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Wanted to offer up a reference point for some health and well being info.  Am by no means any much of an authority, albeit I have studied herbs and nutrition for about a year or so, and have worked at the requisite natural foods store, in both prepared foods and vitamins, and hence I have resources enough to open my mouth, and for better or worse at that.


Will also volunteer that nutrition is like politics in that most everyone has an opinion.  In that vein, will offer of what follows as more direction and fodder, and best suited for your follow up in the way of personal research and with google as your friend.


Am also of the belief that if we ate more raw (food) that there would be less war, and would agree in principle that if you’re not vegan, you have a hard time calling yourself an environmentalist.  If you’re like me, you call yourself a preferred vegetarian and lean decidedly ecocentric, and fashion yourself as an environgentleman (or woman).


Otherwise please feel free to advise and offer your input in return if so inclined.


Thank you,  Waynebow









aloe vera

altitude sickness

amanita muscaria

ammonia permeability









attention deficit (hyperactive) disorder (ADHD/ADD) & autism






ADHD for adults


baking soda



blood sugar



Bob Marley

Bragg Liquid Aminos



breast cancer


cancer (alkaline) diet










castor oil

celiac dis ease







coconut oil

coconut water

cold extremities


















diatomaceous earth



digestive fire






epithelial intestinal lining

Epstein Barr virus














functional medicine


gall bladder













herpes simplex


holistic healing


hypertension (hbp)











inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)





irritable bowl syndrome (IBS)

Jimi Hendrix




leaky gut syndrome




lion’s mane






















metal (removal of/toxic heavy metal detox)






multiple sclerosis


myelin sheath

nasal drip




night sweats










plant medicine

post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)





premenstrual syndrome   (PMS)





rheumatoid arthritis



roasted nuts








side benefits

side effects



skin conditions



















thundergod root





tics (nervous)









villous atrophy

vitamin C

vitamin D


weight loss

wheat belly


Ziggy Marley


bee pollen, propolis, guggul, tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar, avoid fried foods, sweets

take a lesson, take less on, stay within self, practice gratitude (out loud), eat sprouts, asparagus, wild blueberries, bananas, garlic, broccoli, kale, raspberries, blackberries, romaine, red apples, licorice root, spirulina, rhodiola, eleuthero/Siberian ginseng, ashwaganda, schisandra, cordyceps, panax ginseng, rose hips, astragalus, lemon balm, no meat, not so much carbs, low fat, low protein, little to no caffeine

liver support, anti inflammatory

Klamath blue green algae

reishi, maitake, osha, amla, cordyceps, stop eating/ingesting dairy products (along w/wheat & sugar) 

gel for brushing teeth, tongue and gums (good for peoples w/braces)

reishi, amla

origin of Xmas

undigested food rotting in gut, acid reflux, fatigue, skin, sleep, anxiety, diminished HCl, bloating, constipation, celery juice

low red blood cells, poor digestion, fatigue & headaches, nettle, parsley, watercress

lion’s mane, chaga, bosweilla, anandamide, guggulu

cordyceps, reishi, turkey tail, polyphenols that neutralize free radicals, amla/Indian gooseberry, camu camu, acai 

bee pollen, propolis, thyme, (singlet atoms of) iodine (kelp), red algae, licorice root tea/extract

bacopa, reishi, schisandra, hawthorn, passionflower, lemon balm/Melissa, valerian, birdwatching

no dairy, gluten or sugar, black cumin seed oil

person is actually intuitive, creative, extra ordinary, able to see thru guises and read others easily, has rapid fire thoughts, is artistic, feels deeply, and has non standard indigo children gifts, tends to be brilliant if not paranormal/telepathic, need to remove toxic heavy metals such as aluminum and mercury, genetics is little more than a scapegoat, with your DNA not to blame, oft have imaginary friends and guardian angels (listen to them), self focus and personal interests are way 2 avoid being overwhelmed by flood of info they pick up from peoples around them (focus hides powerful intuitive development), avoid sugar, wheat/gluten, toxins/GMOs in oils, corn and msg, eat wild blueberries, cilantro, coconut oil, celery, banana, blackberry, avos, strawberries, flaxseed, spirulina, lemon balm, ginseng, algae/omega 3, holy basil, bacopa, reishi

California poppy, evening primrose oil, avoid sugar/caffeine, dark leafy greens, meditation

bee pollen, strawberry, alfalfa, aloe vera, dulse, kelp, hemp seed, nutritional yeast, marmite/vegemite :(

absorbs heavy metals, dioxins and furans, to alkalize urine during bladder infection, brush teeth w/bs and hydrogen peroxide

leaves soul uncaged

cordyceps, reishi, maitake, chaga, shiitake, turkey tail, bitter melon, prickly pear/nopal cactus, simpler more frequent meals, exercise, beans & bitter greens, bitters before meals, fenugreek, holy basil, American ginseng, propolis, he shou wu, shilajit, wolfberry, noni

we live to learn to love

not a good source of amino acids, adverse reactions for those w/extreme gluten sensitivity, substitute gluten/wheat free tamari or organic gluten free miso

remove heavy metals from body, clean up your gut, get outside and exercise, meditate

black salve, two feathers healing formula,, gardencress, iodoral

do not take by itself, carrots, sesame seeds, tahini, broccoli, almonds, dark leafy greens

low glucose, avoid acidic diet, no sugar, wheat/flour, dairy, meat, fried food,, chaga, cat’s claw, propolis, arjuna, cbd/thc blend, black cumin seed oil, noni

reishi, maitake, shiitake, turkey tail (inhibits yeast growth), pau d’Arco, goldenseal, colloidial silver, digestive bitters, no gluten, no sugar, do liver cleanse, propolis, coconut oil

cannabis oil, cannabinoids, anandamide

bowel moderator, more bowel movements when constipation is present, can also relieve diarrhea, contains pectins which bind to toxins, including heavy metals

source of migraines

raw cashews are heated, roasted cashews are heated even more, heat helps gets cashews out of shell and inactivates naturally occurring poisons, soaked cashews

Edgar Cayce

suffer from intestinal discomfort/damage, absorption/assimilation problems, consumption of cow’s milk products contribute to celiac disease, wheat, kamut, spelt, barley and rye (and Nama Shoyu) contain gluten, buckwheat, rice, millet, teff, quinoa and amaranth (and oats) are gluten free, wheat, barley and rye grass do not contain gluten

activated charcoal, brushing teeth

pomegranate, reishi, fenugreek, shiitake, King trumpet, bee pollen, bee bread, cacao, arjuna, (black) garlic, black cumin seed oil, nopales/prickly pear, wolfberry, noni, coconut oil

caprylic acid

nature's gatorade

hawthorn, lycium fruit, blueberry, grapes, cherries, green tea, ginger, garlic, cinnamon, iodine/kelp

andrographis, elderberry, echinacea/goldenseal, rest, drink water, take hot bath, drink tea, slow down, gentle yoga at most, no sugar/dairy (gluten too), take a lesson, take less on, thyme, garlic, black cumin seed oil

river runs thru it, riverbed of bacteria, harbors essence of self, poor gut health can greatly hinder intuition

is my compass, is the understanding of suffering

bitters, whole leaf aloe vera, sea buckthorn, legumes, raw fruits and veggies, drink more water, prune juice, black cherry juice, carrots, bananas, beans, (much) less processed and refined foods, hemp seeds, prickly pear

shiitake, cordyceps, licorice root, lobelia, wolfberry

self heal (herb)

patience w/things, hope & faith, recall that we are alone and all one, colloidal gold, holy basil, propolis, hemp seeds, cacao, maca, shilajit, birdwatching

raw foods, veggie juice, water between meals, hot baths, sauna, noni, bitter greens, shilajit, activated charcoal

excess (caffeine converts to) glucose, from eating sugar and fat together with large, heavy meals, plus negative emos, and eating meat and fried foods, hard on pancreas/liver, overstimulates adrenals, eat wild blueberries, spinach, celery, papaya, sprouts, kale, cucumber, apples, raspberries, asparagus, spirulina, purslane, 400 IUs vitamin D, dates, seeds, walnuts, eleuthero/Siberian ginseng, panax ginseng, plant based EPA/DHA, bee pollen, hemp seeds, cacao, black cumin seed oil, nopales/prickly pear, African mango/dikanut

blood pressure, hair, detox, colon cleanse

eat rainbow spectrum of foods, vegetable fiber is required, eat fibrous plant foods, be a polymeal eater, eat all the colors, eat god’s food/whole fruits & vegetables, unrefined/unprocessed

cayenne, refrain from drinking (ice cold) water w/meals, chyavanprash, guggulu

anti inflammatory, arthritis, softens scar tissue, antimicrobial, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, immune, allergies, antioxidant, pain relief, cysts, ulcers, macular degeneration, internal/topical

colloidal silver, eliminate/avoid sugar, wheat/gluten, dairy

coconut water, cucumber, celery, apple juice

naturally present in foodstuffs if not cooked (over 118 degrees)

damaged by gluten, precursor to leaky gut/intestinal permeability

do liver cleanse,

amla, elderberry, pomegranate, blueberry, goji/lycium fruit, carrots, sweet potato, yellow squash, dark leafy greens, spinach, dulse, green tea, dark chocolate

cough remedy, helps to remove mucus from respiratory system,, celery, cucumber, apple, kale, spinach, cilantro, ginger, water fast on the hour, sauna, massage with lemon/lime water to follow

toxic buildup in tissues, symptoms such as fuzzy math, jelly head, bloating, constipation, skin disease, headaches, achy joints, rhodiola, eleuthero, American ginseng, cordyceps, sleep more, drink water, less mud/coffee,  avoid excess EMF, refrain from excess sugar/refined foods, expose yourself to more negative ions, do toxic heavy metal cleanse, holy basil, reishi, maitake, shilajit, noni juice

liver, bee pollen, he shou wu, eveing primrose oil, wolfberry

anise, hyssop, chamomile peppermint (tea), fennel, parsley

ground flaxseed can make constipation/bloating worse

toxic aluminum byproduct

medical practitioner of holistic health

anti viral, polyphenols and antioxidants, fountain of youth

aj & lemon juice

no one is insensitive

orhum gold

promotes intestinal health


our microbiome/gastrointestinal system is three quarters of our immunity

he shou wu

mimosa (bark), anandamide, goji berries

white willow bark, meadowsweet, too much coffee/caffeine, sugar, fried foods, feverfew, lemon balm, black cumin seed oil

dark leafy greens, hemp seeds, cacao/anandamide, chyavanprash, arjuna

collagen builders, ocotillo, aloe vera/witch hazel (Rixx)

no citrus or ice cream, take red marine algae, olive leaf, arjuna

gypsy mushroom, reishi, cordyceps, hyssop

oyster mushrooms, shiitake

how you go about things, address underlying condition as opposed to symptom

live in harmony with natural law and order

cordyceps, reishi, maitake, shiitake, garlic, olive leaf, eucommia bark, meditation, pomegranate juice, motherwort, cacao, arjuna, hawthorn, black cumin seed oil, noni

precursor to autoimmune dis ease, fatigue, bloating, lack of energy, memory lapses, pain (relievers not the answer), depression, obesity, insomnia, anxiety, headache, sick, tired, forgetful, sedentary lifestyle, low nutrient foodstuffs

whole leaf aloe vera juice, blue green algae, olive leaf, wheat grass, eat colored veggies, shiitake, cordyceps, chaga, American ginseng, holy basil, hyssop, osha, maitake, reishi, turkey tail, he shou wu, guggulu, Swedish flower pollen, noni

mixture of shroom species, activates NK (natural killer) cells, natural antibiotics, reishi 

fennel seed, ginger, chamomile peppermint (tea), holy basil, cilantro, fenugreek, black cumin seed oil

carrot apple juice, (black) garlic, black cumin seed oil

cat’s claw, reishi, maitake


rainbow spectrum diet, beans & bitter greens, exercise, chamomile, valerian, passion flower, bee bread, due to inability to forget

spinach, barley grass, Swiss chard, kale, squash, pumpkin seeds, asparagus, moringa, blackstrap molasses, dark leafy greens, artichoke, sea veggies, spirulina, alfalfa, hemp seeds, mulberry

see inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)


when the power of love overcomes the love of power, we will know peace

cordyceps, nettle, buchu, whole leaf aloe vera juice

not more than 8 oz. at a sitting


intestinal permeability, overrun by antibodies, tissue degeneration, leaks/holes in epithelial intestinal lining, from eating gluten, wheat, barley, rye, spelt and kamut, refined foods, cold foods that put out your digestive fire, from drinking ice cold water w/meals, fenugreek, cat’s claw, bitters, maitake, reishi, reduce/eliminate sugar, wheat, dairy

Alzheimer’s, nerve growth regeneration, concussion

shiitake, cordyceps, no fried foods, b15, milk thistle/dandelion, watercress, blessed thistle, schisandra, he shou wu, black cumin seed oil

greens, ginseng, water, sunshine, sleep/rest

is the most healing force in the world, nothing goes deeper than love, it heals not only the body, not only the mind, but also the soul, if one can love then all one’s wounds disappear, the physical health is a superficial phenomenon, it can happen thru medicine, it can happen thru science, but the innermost core of one’s being can be healed only thru love, those who know the secret of love know the greatest secret of life (Osho)

rainbow salad, raw whole vegetables, eat all the colors

viral infection (in central nervous system), antibiotics not the answer, star anise, asparagus, blueberries, radish, celery, cinnamon, garlic, apricot, onion, thyme, lemon balm, licorice root, lomatium root, reishi, silver hydrosol, astaxanthin, nascent iodine

lemon balm, St. John's wort, black seed cumin oil

chlorella/spirulina to remove mercury/metals, exercise to enlarge hippocampus, clean up gut/auto immune, eat fat/dietary fiber, gratitude, compassion, life is for giving, eliminate sugar/carbs, he shou wu, shilajit

oft from virus, radiation exposure, pesticides/DDT, herbicides, heavy metals, environmental pollutants, airborne pathogens, viral strains, toxic (over)loads, symptoms can be vaginal dryness, adrenal fatigue, residual effect of overproducing hormones (adrenal glands overproduce hormones to compensate), eat wild blueberries, sesame tahini, avos, black beans, asparagus, apples, spinach, black grapes, cucumbers, silver hydrosol, licorice root, nascent iodine, ashwaganda, barley grass, olive leaf, spirulina, ginseng, nettles, wild yam, schisandra, hawthorn, vitex/chasteberry, red clover blossom, sage, 400 IU vitamin D, EPA/DHA algae/omega 3, maca, evening primrose oil, iodine/kelp

wild blueberries, spinach, hemp seeds, cilantro, walnuts, sprouts, coconut oil, kale, apricots, avos, spirulina, nascent iodine, licorice root, gingko leaf, lemon balm, ashwaganda, EPA/DHA from algae, California poppy, kava, rhodiola

celery juice, cilantro, hemp seed, papaya, chili peppers, garlic, ginger, kale, cinnamon, apples, feverfew, butterbur, white willow bark, lemon balm, rosemary, cayenne, skullcap, valerian

water w/lemon, honey & ginger w/tea, whole fruits

usually from dairy/eggs

take plant based omega 3 from algae, lion’s mane, barley grass juice extract powder, cbd/thc blend

gilled are antifungal, polypores are antimicrobial

central nervous system’s protective layer and message facilitator


anise, hyssop

walk in beauty

burden for central nervous system, heavy metal contamination combines with ammonia (gas) permeability

maca, fatigue, sage, trade your night mare for a faery steed

not more than a handful at a time

colloidal gold, triphala, nettle, kelp, guggul, black cumin seed oil, African mango kernel/dikanut

better than “fine”

Wilhelm Reich, pyramids, crystal energy healing, + 2 – ion generator

excess/improper intake of protein and calcium supplements, refrain from sugar w/meals, i.e. coffee, wine, refined/processed foods, devil’s claw, guggulu

California poppy, corydalis, cbd/thc blend, guggulu, evening primrose oil

garlic, wormwood, bitters, pepitas, beets, carrots, black cumin seed oil

found in green foods (phenomenal)

yields side benefits, and not side effects of traditional allopathic drugs

everybody has it, encompasses emo aftershox, insecurities, trust issues/betrayal, fears, guilt/shame, we bury it with drugs, excess foodstuffs, booze and adrenaline junkie pursuits, with residual of chemical imbalance, do something creative/positive, make art/do pretty, adopt a pet, start a garden, pray 2 angels (of restitution), eat wild blueberries, melons, beets, banana, persimmon, papaya, sweet potato, figs, oranges, mangoes, tangerines, apples, raw honey, dates, spirulina, honeysuckle, nettles, Siberian ginseng, sit with ayahuascadero/curandera and/or shaman/medicine woman

bacopa, cacao, evening primrose oil


colloidal silver, nettle, green tea, bee pollen, pumpkin seed oil, saw palmetto, Swedish flower pollen, hemp seeds, pepitas, maitake

vegetable protein is not an oxymoron, fat & protein feed viruses

liver, adrenals, seventh/crown chakra, black cumin seed oil, colloidial silver

unexplainable aches & pains, for swollen joints/hurting affliction, take turmeric & nettle leaf, bone broth, colloidal gold, cbd/thc blend, (black) garlic

colloidal silver

make you grow older faster (not unlike arguing)

Celtic sea salt, Himalayan (pink) salt

guggul, celery juice, acupuncture, Epsom salt bath, hydrowatsu, Dr. Sebi's (Afrocentric) cell food/bio mineral balance


wild blueberries, coconuts, papaya, red apples, pears, artichokes, bananas, sweet potatoes, spinach, asparagus, dark leafy greens, green beans, avocados, algae/omega 3, lobelia (kills virus), feverfew, California poppy, licorice root, nettles, colloidal silver

from ingesting herbs, whole plants and whole foods and not allopathic isolates

collateral damage from taking prescription allopathic drugs

reduce/eliminate wheat/dairy, green tea, blueberry, red grapes, cherries, amla, schisandra, cat’s claw, black cumin seed oil

liver, bowel health, digestion weakness/gluten, allergies/dairy, nutritional deficiencies/sugar, daily sunshine, rainbow spectrum of foods, limes, whole leaf aloe vera, manuka honey, colloidal silver, black cumin seed oil, blue flag, burdock, bee pollen, guggulu, evening primrose oil, coconut oil

allows body to detoxify

acupuncture, ginseng, astragalus, stems from stubbornness, avoid/reduce dairy

water breaks down enzyme inhibitors, making enzymes more accessible, more easily assimilated, makes other nutrients in nut, seed or grain more available, enzyme inhibitors prevent seeds from breaking down/degrading before finding fertile soil and water, seed begins to grow w/water (when soaked), live foods, 5-8 hours (overnite), bigger for longer, don’t drown seeds/nuts, seeds that float to top have degree of rancidity (natural oils have degraded some)


how I am in relationship to all my relations/things

increases nutrient and enzyme levels, more easily digestible/assimilated, protein, carbohydrate and fat break down into more digestible amino acids, simpler carbohydrates and (essential) fatty acids, nuts, seeds, grains or legumes must be whole and relatively unbroken

biochemical benefits, goji berries, aloe vera gel

intestinal balance between good and bad bacteria, sesame/coconut oil pulling


deficiency in zinc, iodine, and/or copper, remove heavy metal toxins, eat cruciferous veggies, dulse, wild blueberry, sprouts, cilantro, garlic, hemp seed, coconut oil, Brazil nuts, cranberries, spirulina, bladderwack, ashwaganda, licorice root, eleuthero/Siberian ginseng, lemon balm, 400 IU vitamin D3, B complex, plant based EPA/DHA, bacopa, no eggs, dairy, meat, eat plenty of antiviral whole fruits & veggies

reishi, schisandra, skullcap

EBV in inner ear nerve channel/labyrinth

colloidal silver, propolis


colloidal silver

chaga, apricot kernels, black cumin seed oil, noni, pure gum spirits, w/castor oil

goldenseal, (whole leaf) aloe vera gel, cabbage juice, shilajit, guggulu, prickly pear/nopal cactus

EBV neurotoxin inflaming vagus nerve (aka the tree of life)

microvilli shag worn down, intestines swelling, inflammation of intestinal membrane

acerola cherry, mulberry

400 IUs

colloidal silver

celery juice, papaya, nopales/prickly pear

due to hybridized wheat & genetically modified and refined foods

shatavari, miso, lentils, alfalfa sprouts, maca

love is my religion



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

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