A TANGO with the Mind:Â Full Moon in Gemini
This Wednesday’s Full Moon at 3 degrees of Gemini creates a mutable T-Square between the Sun, Saturn, and Mercury in Sagittarius and...

Thanksgiving Prayer from the Seneca Nation
And now we are gathered together to remember the Great Mystery’s first instruction to us: to love one another always, we who move about...

November’s Planetary Panorama
By mid-month, Father Sun, messenger Mercury, lover Venus, and warrior Mars will all be courting and cavorting each other in the cauldrons...

November Tarot * Samhain, All Hallow’s Eve, All Soul’s Day, Day of the Dead * Devil’s Play, Universe
Once upon a time, and a time not too very long ago at that, I came across an ex catholic nun that went by the name of sister Theresa, and...