Serpent Shaman, Shadow Medicine: Mars Stations in the 13th Constellation

June Tarot * last quarter * waning balsamic prayer moon
Life is forgiving, life is for giving. Upon and into this last quarter, harvest moon phase, apparently it is again time to forgive, to...

June Tarot * the People’s Choice * Ecstasy
The people have rallied, spoken and voted, and our government, national parties and tax collectors have not listened. It’s not time to...

June Tarot * Full Moon * Sensor
Things may well be near signed, sealed and stamped, and with delivery however not quite yet taken. The thought for this coupla few days...

June Tarot * St. Bernard * oppression
First up it was Bernie as in (the importance of) being earnest, then Sanders as in sand for the oyster, and now St. Bernard. Is he our...

Bashar * First Contact
anybody know anything 'bout this ?? rumor has it that seats were going for $169/pop ?? http://basharchanneledbydarrylanka.org/documentary...

June Tarot * President Sanders * Growth
Anything short of the above is a sham. Polls have him with a double digit lead on Trump, he won New Hampshire with a sixty percent...

June Tarot * Gibbous Moon * Chariot
Not sure ‘bout you, and for myself this first quarter waxing moon arrived right on schedule, with challenges to face, impromptu decisions...

June Tarot * love thyself * lovers
Not sure ‘bout you, and getting the idea that somethin’s up, at least more so than usual. Gonna keep right after this now beautifully...

Desire: Distraction or Devotion and the Cross of Chaos: Gemini New Moon
Doubt Mutates Desire: The New Moon in Gemini To expand and grow means being able to step into the next adventure. Life gives clear hints....