June Tarot * the People’s Choice * Ecstasy
The people have rallied, spoken and voted, and our government, national parties and tax collectors have not listened. It’s not time to take a seat yet. Hillary can call him/us what she wants, and thinkin’ it best that Bernie bum rush this thing all the way to the convention.
His supporters have rallied by the tens of thousands, hers by the hundreds, if that.
Supercalifragilisticexpialidelegate…. don’t care how many she has, she cheated, and on a colossal level. How many elections did she flip, how many voters has she left disenfranchised, how many polling places did the DNC close, how many ballots did Diane Wasserman nullify, how many voters were deemed ineligible by how many secretary of states ?? Bernie cannot give up.

It is not time to stop. If and when he takes this to the convention and they don’t figure it out or can’t get it straight, then dial up your third party of choice and take Elizabeth Warren with you. Keep on with the keepin’ on and ‘til the White House. The people of the United States of America deserve to have their candidate of choice. Last time I checked this election is held on American soil. Treason and terrorism is un-American, and unfortunately it has landed on our front doorstep, and is made in America. Acts of violence with a political agenda is terrorism.
Ecstasy * Ace of Cups * Voyager Tarot
Have the courage to speak up, and softly so. Let negative ions pour forth from your heart and soul. From the roots up, bring things down to earth. Real eyes that still waters run deep, and that those waters “don’t run.” Stand together in unshakeable truth and beauty. Let your kundalini rising be unmistakable and not unlike your wildflowers within. Soften to receive. It’s time for the new age to step aside. Feel it and live it. Feel the Bern. You don’t frost a burnt cake. It’s life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, not the right to own property. A US citizen is not be owned, to be under surveillance nor taxed endlessly. The sheeple need to get off the koolaid, and our murderoUSA out from behind their mindless propaganda. How long can we wait. Is it not time to share of your medicine, your firewater, and a most heartfelt compassion ??