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2+0+2+0=22 * year of the fool * in our wisest and bestest of interest

In case you’re wondering, yes 2020 reduces down to 4 (the emperor), albeit before it does that, it reduces down to 22 first. And given that the major arcana runs from Ɵ – 21, when 22 pops up again, you go back to zero, which is the (year of the) fool. And again, gonna keep things simple, as (my fave) medicine for the fool, is that we oft make a (very) foolish decision, by other peoples estimations, albeit truth be told and from our personal vantage point, we have made a (very) wise decision. And so given that we have both the year of the emperor and the fool (oft referenced in relation to the king and court jester), the suggestion is to make that most “foolish” decision, that you “know” is in your wisest and bestest interest, and as it is also serving the greater good, in that it is in the best interest of the all of us, and helps makes this, our world, a better one.

fool-child * zero * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless * Way of the Great Oracle

tribute to the guiding star home by Chester (Chaz) Patrick

tribute to the guiding star home by Chester (Chaz) Patrick, of the Gitksan Nation, Hazelton, BC * watercolour and ink on arches paper, 2004

Youthful folly has success. Stop parroting around and do it the way you would like to see it done. Recall that you are not obligated/obliged to follow in anyone’s footsteps. Step into it. Step out to the edge and don’t look back. Be ready to take that (proverbial) leap of faith (‘tis the leap year for god’s sake 😊. Take the risk.

ship of fools by Jake Baddeley

Recall that ship is safe in harbor, and yet that is not what it’s built for. Leave port and set sail. Real eyes that no one is sure of the outcome, other than you will come out of/be the better wo/man for it. Expect the unexpected and be anything but predictable. Be unconventional/unusual. Be accepting of and at peace with the outcome.

ship of fools by Jake Baddeley, 2009

Heaven everywhere, at home anywhere, we are (all) on the magickal mystery tour. We live in a dreamland, “the breeding ground for intuitive inspiration and ingenious innovation.” We (the peoples) are excited for you. Into the darkness like chocolate, activate when inbetween worlds.

Recall that things are neither here nor there, and instead live in accord with spirit and let your love light/show (us) the way. Recall that life is a love story and her song our lantern, and that the song remains the same, and that ‘tis one song, and why upon it’s called the uniVerse.

Recall that we soften to receive. Begin anew (this) year. Begin again and reLife.

Consider to stay within yourself and recall that good things not only happen to good people, but oft come all in good time. Have a good time with things. Fooled by woman but not by goddess, real eyes that the nowhere man is now here. Divine your ways. Real eyes that your kundalini rising could well lead to a free fall unto the unknown. Just remember to breathe.

fool - child * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless

As the immaterial girl, let the suits eat cake, and as they will soon be the ones to marvel at you.

Real eyes that your time is anytime, and consider that you have been found out. Give a hoot. Light the way and carry the torch. Come out and accept what has long been yours for the taking. Stick your neck out and put your best foot forward. Recall that ‘tis all but compost for your soul. Heed your animal totems and spirit guides and consider to consult an oracle.

The swell is rising and the tide high. Surf’s up. Step into the ring. Sit in circle and sing your song. She is listening for you. (We are the ones we have been waiting for).


"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

© 2017 by nalu verde * created with

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