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2+0+2+0=4 * year of the emperor * a better world

madre tierra

original painting by Jenness Cortez Perlmutter

Gonna keep it simple here, as the medicine of choice and beneficence of the emperor is to make decisions in the best interest of the all of us (pls read the follow up bit on the year of the fool).

emperor Voyager Tarot by James Wanless

emperor * four

Voyager Tarot by James Wanless * the Way of the Great Oracle

Undertake to real eyes the law of construction as a mandate to build your world as a better world for the all of us. Real eyes your vision. Do not shirk from your drives and desires, nor your passions and (inner) fire. Beget and give birth. Be a father and father a new world and (do your best to) change civilization. Oversee things and (do your best to) ensure things are solid.

Find your way to say “yes.” Save room for yes, bless. Keep it on the low down and down low. Be willing to let it go and just keep on with the keepin’ on. Make believe in yourself and others.

Recall the maxim of “nothing in excess,” and real eyes the power of love rather than the love of power. Be inclusive and cooperate. Share of your resources and recall that a rising tide raises all boats. Know that love makes the world go round, and that we are all one, and all one love.

Own your power with beauty and grace. Stay within yourself and know when to take pause.

Recall that from great depths come great heights. Take responsibility for our relationship with our (gracias) madre tierra. Complete things to the finish and defer (credit) to others.

Leave a legacy and remain ecocentric. Act (now)/begin in the spring.

gustave dore'

original painting by Gustave Dore'

“Indecision (breeds misfortune and) brings its own delays. Days are lost lamenting over lost days. Are you in earnest? Seize this very minute, as…. Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth that ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man nor woman could have dreamt would have come his or her way. Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.”



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

© 2017 by nalu verde * created with

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