Standing Rock * water protectors * water in Voyager Tarot
Hang out near lakes. Be still and take pause. Clean up and clear out falsities. Allow no dust upon your lens of perception. Real eyes you...

Standing Rock * silent majority * sorrow & the emperor
A silent majority is an oxymoron. You are part, parcel and party to the four winds, the four directions and the four elements. This is...

November Tarot * the peoples vs. corporate politics * equilibrium
The age ol’ adage of taxation without representation is still the downfall (default button) of our Ol’ English culture, and with...

November Tarot * the peoples vs. Hillary Rodham Clinton * unfulfilled
Prolly ‘bout as traitorous as they come these days. She took the voting machine and flipped the election in California and who knows how...

November Tarot * the peoples vs. the Donald * art from the heart
My guess is that he makes George W. look like a boy scout in comparison. He seems to like Putin well enough and the NRA seems to like...