Standing Rock * Lady of the Lake * in the balance
From great depths come great heights. Feeling powerless and trapped, we the peoples are burdened by the failures of capitalism, and of which is a legion of bust. Our trials and travails include murder, ethnic cleansing and ritual betrayal. As corporate profit continues to override democracy, the clean waters of Lake Oahe have fallen prey to private security forces and our military acting under the aegis of the Army Corps of Engineers. As leftists raise the cry for solar, wind and other renewable resources, the local legend of the “Dark Man,” casts shadows upon none too dissimilar oil wells “on the Rez,” and clearcutting by native peoples in Alaska.
Our karmic toll is oft our Achilles heel. And whether it be Avalon or Cannon Ball, North Dakota, the story has yet to change. Under the aegis of our mother ocean and earth mothers, the Lady of the Lake still presides. And as water nymph, water fay and water goddess, still she asks of us the question: can we move from armor to amour ?? Once upon a time ‘twas the story of pagan priestess and druid priest, and under the sign of the triple goddess. And now it is the Dakota and Lakota, and their friends and allies, all vying to see if and when it may well be time to unsheathe the mythical Excalibur, and to somehow own our power with beauty and an amazing grace, and to move on from kingship to kinship, and to reveal the beauty and the beast as one.

river bullboats with earthlodges on cliffs above
balance * eight * Voyager Tarot * Way of the Great Oracle
Oft we are either overly structured, idealistic and principled, or too soft headed, one who blows with the wind, and agrees with the last person. Maintain your position. Make sure that your thoughts, speech and actions are pure and clear before acting. Objectively judge by seeing both sides, and act in appropriate response. Recall that for every action there is an equal reaction.
Empathize, have compassion, and pay attention to karma. Real eyes that the dance of balance is to move lightly with the wind like the flute, to blend in with the leaves like the chameleon, and to change perspectives like the crystal. Unsheathe your personal xcalibur at god’s eye and at soul level, and unto where our air mind meets our water body of emotion at our mind’s eye. Consider to rewrite her story, as our heretofore history has been one of unshared resources.
Change the byline. Share of your most divine gifts, talents and creativity.