pathological precipice * still the year of the emperor/fool * 2020
Not gonna pretend that eye have any answers or that eye know what’s going on, cuz eye don’t. And if eye didn’t know any better, how can things not be related. This virus is a pathological tear in the field, and this racial divide a searing heat that won’t let up. Black vs. white, rich vs. poor, truth to power, etal and the all, we are inseparable and all one and in and of the same.
And not gonna pick a card as think we can still pull from the year of the emperor (2+0+2+0=4) and the fool (2020 reduces to 22). Does the fool (child) walk the plank and off the end of the cliff as she is told ?? Does the emperor kowtow to the powers that be, or does he break ranks and make a decision in the best interest of the all ?? Where are the black sheep to be found ?? The hundredth monkey, the canary in the coal mine ?? Where’s Rudolph when you need him ??

How many George Floyds, Breonna Taylors and/or Ahmaud Arberys do we need to get your attention. How many have fallen before them. How many of us are yet to fall. And eye say that as a white man, and as eye am not so glib, nor naïve to not see where things are headed. We are truly all in this together, and as to what inspires the fear and hate, eye still to this day, do not know ??
And suffice it to say, and as it is my suppostion, but if it wasn’t for George W. and Donald Trump after him, would it yet be any different ?? I think not. And is it not an internal struggle ?? Are we not home to the same inner toxins that grip our inner cities ?? The same fears that have found our powers that be, are they not wrapped around our wings and holding down our voice and song ??
Fool Child * Zero * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless
We’re feelin’ it. We just can’t stay @home and in place any longer. Enough is enough.
Youthful folly has success. Public sentiment is swelling. Things are in the balance. Keep yours.
We face an uncertain outcome. We are unsure of things. We know that muzzled is no way to go thru life, and as we wish to move from censored to sensor.
Stick your neck out. Take your head outta the sand, and hold your head high.
We could well be ‘bout ready to give birth. Peoples are here to help one another. We are the salt of the earth and forever watchful. Get rooted in your base chakra and do your best to sort thru the talking heads. Real eyes that the blue parrot is here reminding us to speak up and out.

The parrot lacks a persona of its own, imitates others and is dependent upon others for opinions. Oft associated with status and high standing, even nobility, the parrot is oft one for parody. The suggestion is to be more mindful and to perhaps be impeccable with your words. Look for fresh ideas and new direction. Bring all the colors into your life, including different foods and peoples of color. If you don’t do alone very well, look to the rainbow woman, and consider to dance in beauty and joy.
Take a good look at the og in you. Consider that your vitality is not to be contained nor oppressed. Consider again to bare your genius to the world, and recall that the world will be saved by the western woman. Recall too that ‘tis not a revolution, but still revelation. Listen to her. Assume your power with beauty and grace. Take that transcendent leap of faith and begin again. The nowhere man is now here. The time is right here and right now. There may well be a new beginning at hand. Bring a breath of fresh air to the all of us. Take responsibility for that which you can, and for that which we cannot, ‘tis best to find our rhythm with things.
Know that those among us who are consulting the stars, are in earnest in taking us out to our edge. Consider that now is the time to be seen and heard. Look to the animal totem of toucan, and do your best to get your thoughts and ideas across in ways that will benefit the all of those around you. Make your msg loud and clear. Know that your contribution has value and is valued. Tell your story and let it be written. Share of your inner wisdom and knowingness in spoken word. Use your voice and write it down.
Recall that life is for living, and never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed peoples/citizens can change the world, and as indeed it is the only thing that ever has.
Toucan do it. You can do it. You are the conduit.
Epilogue * emperor * four * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless
‘Tis in our hands. We are still at ground zero. Plant your seeds and make your most sacred of offerings. Love or money ?? Let peoples know of what you see. Share of your most heartfelt vision. Put your wisdoms from prayer and ceremony into practice. Come down off the mountain top and out from the heiau/temple, and share of what you know.
Know that you are right where you need to be, and that you have company there, and no matter the naysayers nor the frightful ones. Consider to surface and to make your presence most evident. Take up your position. Make sure your footing is solid. Stand firm and recall that the true king wears no crown.
Move from compromise to comprise. As the farmer’s daughter we are keen to know what you wish to hatch here ?? In turn we also wonder what is good direction for the king’s daughter ?? Or what may be most elemental for the son of emperor ?? Are you not the renaissance man for the season and for good reason ??
Geev’um brah !! Tend to your inner fire and do not be denied. Stay on watch and give birth to your most cherished of good works. Be the change you wish to see in the world today, and as an agent for change, help to build a better world for the all of us. Take the lead, light the way, and save room for yes.
And yes, we are all tired of getting played, and know too well when enough is enough. Be unyielding and impatient. Move from egocentric to ecocentric, and recall that clarity within affords movement without.
Get in the mix, and as you may well regret not giving things a go, nor for the not getting in on the scrum.
