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what to do * how to be * success, breakthrough

‘Tis the age old query, “what to do, what to do ?” And so we have pulled the card: Success.

Success * Ace of Worlds * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless * Way of the Great Oracle

And so the question is proffered: Am I (too) caught up in the material world to the exclusion of other values and perspectives ?? Do I suffer from an inflated sense of self import from (any and all of) my material successes ?? Is it not true that the immaterial girl will save the world ??

Recall that success is an organic process. Consider to bring together all your internal and external resources and talents, and to adapt to new situations and opportunities. In overcoming adversity, do not be afraid to change and innovate. Be resourceful. Share of your gifts and talents, and make sure that any endeavor undertaken now has your heart and soul into it.

Consider to take one small step at a time. Take the next step. Adapt and make changes and recall that just as worlds undergo natural periodic upheavals, so may your plans.

Ask if eye can convert one step back into two steps forward, and to recall that sometimes you have to pass backwards before you can score the goal. Keep on with the keepin’ on.

The (living) intention is to succeed in human relationship with moonlike sensitivity, and to ensure that we are caring and sharing (of ourselves and others). Recall that ‘tis our choice to succeed in physical health thru sunny exercise, outdoor activities and play, and that we succeed in the homeworld thru stewardship of our earth home. Ensure that mi casa es su casa.

Be creative and do your best not to get stuck in a status quo situation. Recreate yourself.

And then there is the added query of: how am eye to be in relationship to the all of this ??

Breakthrough * Seven of Worlds * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless * Way of the Great Oracle

The card that came up was Breakthrough, the Seven of Worlds. As the sun (heart center) breaks thru the darkness and the (proverbial) volcano blasts thru constraining rock, you are making breakthroughs. Recall that you possess the determination and will of the horse (and fire) as you free yourself from oppression, to express your strengths and passions.

Do your best to move thru blocks, obstacles, inactivity and stagnation. Consider that it may well be time to burst forth with your talents and energies. Let nothing deter you.

Ask of what spirits you on your way ?? What inspires you ?? Is that not a sunrise on your horizon ?? And is that not your kundalini rising ?? You are “en fuego.” If that doesn’t get you moving, what will ?? Move something ?? Move in the direction of your heart’s longing.

Free up your talents and resources and consider to revolutionize your life.

Recall that a breakthrough is not only a liberation, but a purification, a cleaning out.

Shed the weight of psychological and emotional resistance by expunging the fear blocks that keep you tight, rigid and on the defensive. Work out the lethargies caused by inertia. Cleanse and let out your inner fire, albeit watch that you manage your impatience and intemperateness.

Do your best to purify the mental and emotional negativities by expressing yourself, and to real eyes it could well be now or never time. Emerge at sunburst, dawn and the Spring equinox.

Dare to be noticed and exposed. Dare to succeed, to move from the stag nation to relation ship.

Carry the torch, lead the way, and start (our hearts on) fire.

Jody Bergsma * unicorn & faery

Take time for the dreamer in you by Jody Bergsma



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

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