year of the fool revisited * for the greater coulda, woulda, shoulda
How dare we think of someone else before ourselves. How unAmerican of us.
For the greater good ?? Isn’t that usually in hindsight, in that we coulda, woulda, shoulda, maybe helped that person out, that maybe we coulda, woulda, shoulda offered an assist to our fellow man and/or woman ?? But no, we’re usually too busy looking out for No. 1 (no one).
What happens if we turned the tables on always gotta be the bigger/better man ?? What if we put an end to our conditioning of one-upmanship ?? The me first, gonna hoard it before you do.
The other day was getting out of my car at WFM and there was a fairly homely guy walkin’ up the street, and from what I could first discern, he didn’t have any water. I looked in my car and eyed a trio of bottles that were conveniently full of water rather than the original kombucha. He gainfully accepted my offer, and even as I worried that they might be too heavy (glass), he again graciously assured me that it was perfect. And the cool thing was, next day at work a fellow coworker of mine gifted me the same bottle, ‘cept this time it was full of the booch.
Another friend had asked me awhile back to get her some reishi tea, of which I did, and then she had last asked for some licorice root tea, of which I had yet to fetch for her, but soon decided that not only would I fulfill her latest request, I would also unsolicited of her, double down/up on her original request as well. She was plenty appreciative to receive not one but two boxes of the viral support tea, and as it’s not just the thought that counts, but the follow up that ensues.
And yes, it’s been something I’ve been more conscious of late, as back on fb there was a go fund me via a tour company I once worked for, and as one of our unflagging mechanics had landed in the hospital and needed donations for his accident recovery fund. Oft times I just turn the other cheek/page and continue on my way. But not that day, as thinkin’ it truly is time to turn a new leaf, and perhaps put an end to my belief in scarcity, and to start playin’ things forward.
And last, was well stocked with a coupla few and then some, buckets of nuts, dried fruit and some (yummy) instant soups, that no way could I handle on my own. So what do I do ?? Play ‘em forward. And it wasn’t an automatic, as not everyone is comfortable in receiving the shared resources, and yet it just needs to be done, for the coulda, woulda, shoulda greater good.
Do I keep the food to myself, and/or figure that I best hold onto my monies ?? Do I believe in unshared resources ?? Or can I give of my everything to the all of us ?? A large order for sure.
And what if she’s up to something really good ?? What would happen if I just trusted in life ??
What would love do ?? Can I ask of myself what is my motivation here ?? Am eye acting out of love or fear ?? (Why) is it such a challenge to consider others ahead of my/the self ?? How is it that I don’t always, or at least it doesn’t come so naturally, to set self interest to the side in coming to the aid of another ?? Is that really so wrong/such an unconventional outlook ??
Or is it just all about love and money/the mula ??
Walk in beauty. Sing, write, dance and express your affections for one another. Stay in touch. Stay connected. Stay in the flow. Find your rhythm for that which you cannot control, and follow the prompts. Recall that ‘tis revelation, not revolution. Listen for/to her song. Surrender unto her. Focus on activation/your meditations. Unplug and tap into your truest of natures.

Hozho In Beauty She Walks by Shonto Begay
Clarity within, movement without. Eye know compassion as my compass. With soft eyes and a warm smile eye resonate with the integrity of loving kindness. With open heart and clear mind eye am in harmony with natural law and order, and all our relations. It is my living intention.
It is not a breakdown, ‘tis a breakthrough. See things true, see things thru. We love you.
Fool * the zero hour * real eyes the uniVerse within
There’s no charge for my fall from grace. It’s a free fall.
Go to the edge. Go to your edge.
Close your eyes, change the channel.
Close your eyes, change your channel.
We’ve never fallen from grace, and it all falls together.
There’s a new way to look at things, to feel and think about things. You’re doing it already. Stick your neck out and give birth to the new you. Wide eyed and pig tailed, the Dalai Lama scrys that the Western woman will save the world. We’re waiting on/for you. This world needs your medicine. Aurora your borealis. Go your milky way. Your wave is peaking. Take it/us all for a ride. We know you give a hoot. Take it all in, and let it all out. You couldn’t be any more connected. You are ready for this, and we are most ready for you. It’s the zero hour, and as you well know that from ground zero you can go in the any direction of your choosing. Are you ready to act the fool ?? To be environgentle ?? Can you do it for our tierra madre, our Pachamama ?? It’s not June gloom, it’s June bloom. They can’t believe their eyes. He’s so happy for you !! You’re the talk of the town, and so be it. Just be with it.
Still Point Manifestation * Un Sa yah (One inhale) - Still Point (Hold) - Un Sa Yah (One exhale) Still Point between inhale and exhale is the moment for new manifestation. Inhale, imagine what we want to create ''with emotion'' while holding the breath, and exhale it out into our body and field ''with emotion''. In this way of making our daily breathing into manifestation moments, we can live the constant manifestation process. Mindfullness takes practise. Honor the free will of all Creation.
Place your trust in the hands of the universe. Like a fool, dependent and with limited understanding of your purpose, have faith that the universe will take care of you.

Trust in her. Know that you are taken care of. Begin the learning journey to the realization of the uniVerse within. Be a beginner. Breathe in new air, new life, and new beginnings.
Zero symbolizes the fool child’s most mystickal spirit, for it represents the beginningless beginning, sourceless source, endless ending, all things and no-things. Begin again, and again, and again. Seek (out) new ways. Take a leap of faith and trust unto a new state of being.
You are up in the air and unsure of the outcome. Dare to be unconventional and unusual.
Sense that your time is anytime, now, and in this present (moment). Your place is between here and there (neither here nor there), transition zones, no man’s land, and far out (man).
You can see in the dark (subconscious knowing of probability amidst uncertainty). You can live off the air (rare/higher spiritual forces), and have little need for material security and success. As the immaterial girl, the energy of your spirit is pure, innocence, and of the purity of following your own light (not theirs).
Do not censure your thoughts, and as your genius is found in your childhood passions. Play with your ideas and trust in your intuitions and thoughts. Intuit your way. Be into it. We love you.