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new dark black moon * Changing Woman * into the darkness like chocolate

This second new moon of this month purportedly portends deep inner shifts and makes for the mandate to discard of our outdated belief systems. How do I begin to make believe (again) ??

change * eight of worlds * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless

As I soften to receive, I begin to integrate the changes and transformation eye have felt from these most recent eclipses. I wish to let go of any and all of these irrational and/or debilitating thoughts, to untangle myself from these sometimes toxic dynamics. Eye ask myself how do I hold myself back by repeating these most harmful patterns of behavior ?? In clearing these oft negative patterns eye know to take things slowly and to give things time to work their magick.

To know thyself is to sit with things, to clarify my intentions, and to be clear on what eye want in going forward. Speaking for myself, the word of choice is precision, and not so much perfection.

change * eight of worlds

Voyager Tarot by James Wanless

Way of the Great Oracle

Eye wish to be held accountable for my actions, thoughts and words, and for that which I eat and take in energetically. I am willing to take my medicine and to do the necessary work.

Keep your word and overdeliver in everything you do. Keep the pono. Maintain good health and wellness. As free spirit and independent thinker, break ranks. Take a bite out of the apple and do what’s taboo. Be low key and stay on the down low. Move from the hanged man to the changing woman, and sit with her. Know that your journey is but compost for the soul, and that as we soften to receive, we do well to consider as to what is in the best interest of the all of us.

Changing Woman * Susan Seddon Boulet

Changing Woman by Susan Seddon Boulet



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

© 2017 by nalu verde * created with

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