November Tarot * the peoples vs. the Donald * art from the heart

My guess is that he makes George W. look like a boy scout in comparison. He seems to like Putin well enough and the NRA seems to like him, and am most certain that we will see and hear more of their agenda and too soon at that. Racism will undoubtedly rear its ugly head, and will need to be again processed out. He says he will end Obamacare and its mandatory payments.
We have learned of the eagle and condor prophecy, and now we may have the coming together of the eagle and the bear, and as Nostradamus prophesized. And whether that pits us against China and in the Middle East, with Christians opposed to Muslims, and as prelude to a seemingly worthless WWIII, it’s still not so much about Trump as it is about my brother in law, my sister who fell in with his sentiment, about my dad, my step mom and dad, a couple few of my friends with whom I used to play beach volleyball with, and maybe a friend or two from high school.
This is America and her fall from grace, with our fear based religions and a fear bent media fueling our fear based economy. And yet despite the inequity of health & wealth we still ardently fete the rich. Wisdom is gentle in its application, and yet you wouldn’t know it by the looks of things. The girl next door has grown up and does not want her bubble to be burst.
Art * 14 * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless * Way of the Great Oracle
Play your part. Live your life as your art from the heart. Recall that the purpose in life is to discover your gift, your talent, your genius, and that the meaning in life is to share of it.
America has lost her generosity. When did you last share of yours ??
As rainbow woman we look to you for reconciliation, as someone that can go into the darkness (like chocolate) and into the dreamtime, and return with revelation rather than a revolution.
We wish to know of (your) peace, love and joy. We wait and count upon your ability to combine unlikely partners and elements. The time is now (November/December). We thank you for this chance to speak, to give birth and to gather. We know these healing hearts are but in our hands.