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Standing Rock * silent majority * sorrow & the emperor

A silent majority is an oxymoron.

You are part, parcel and party to the four winds, the four directions and the four elements. This is about our water. We are kin to our water table, our watersheds, aquifers, oceans, rivers and once upon a time sea 2 shining sea. We are the water peoples of this water planet.

Our drinking water has been fluoridated, chlorinated and contaminated, and still most of us drink from our tap water. It’s chem trails by air and Fukushima by sea. Our most precious of resources is fouled up, and that’s not to mention a Nestles siphoning off more precious waters here in California, taxpayer financed, and then taxpayer paid for again on the retail end.

When does the power over of the emperor on high come to a close ?? When do we decide to summon our new emperors from within. As rainbow warriors of the living light we are anything but loathe to move from homo phobic to homo illuminous, and to be part, parcel and party to a world that knows peace, and as the power of love well overcomes the love of power.

sorrow * six of cups * where there is water there is life * Voyager Tarot

Have faith and hope for all things are physically mortal but immortal in spirit. Refrain from drying up emotionally and trying to stay (standing) rock hard. Have the courage instead to express your grief and you will not hit (standing) rock bottom, and languish in despair.

This is our dark night of the soul. Pour out your feelings and allow your river of tears to flow. Show your grief and let the anguish out. Liberate your feelings and you will liberate your spirit.

Strengthen yourself by pouring your feelings out. Know that like an emotional death, you will be reborn. Cry and your light will shine again. Be part of the process and join in with the procession. Recall that wisdom is gentle in its application, and choose to share of yours.

emperor * four * our kin within * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless

Know that you are where you need to be, and whereto make your wisdom most evident. Remember to stay within yourself, and to stay heart centered. Choose to own your power with beauty and grace and to renew your vow with our mother ocean & earth mothers.

Be ecocentric and recall that as a leader the emperor possesses vision and is responsible. Be political and lead the way. Build a better world for yourself and others, and real eyes that as you contribute to this worldly evolution thru your constructive efforts that you are fathering a new world.

Be resolute. Restore, reLife and replant our most sacred and most high, new trees of life. Consider to defer credit to others during this yet another changing of the guard, and know that in the end, you will achieve your vision.

Do not be denied, nor shirk from your drives and desires, your passion and fire. For if and when your plans go awry, like the emperor who becomes angry, very angry (four of cups), use this anger to motivate you ever more strongly, and recall again that anger converts to compassion.

you possess the mental clarity of the eagle, the emotional strength of the whale, and the physical energy of the ram.... move in accord with spirit and in harmony with natural law and order.



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

© 2017 by nalu verde * created with

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