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Chinese Lunar Spring Festival New Year of the Yin Green Wood Snake

Break ground and lay the groundwork for permanent change, come this year 4723 in the Chinese calendar.

Avoid overspending and as the such can lead to a strain on resources. Recall that indecision breeds misfortune, and missed fortunes, and that it perhaps well to be discreet and to pick your spots. Be methodical and thoughtful, and as you employ persistence and rather deliberate planning in coming to terms with this 2025 lunar new year of the yin green wood snake.

Use stealth and tenacity to turn dreams into reality.

Remain calm and collected. Keep your cool/composure. Follow the prompts and refreain from acting on impulse. Recall that we fall in love with each other's vulnerability, and that our outward yielding nature is firmly rooted in its internal nature. Resolve issues peacefully.

Follow the spiritual guidance of your most profound inner world. Real eyes that you are beauty in repair. Do not overextend, nor go beyond/outside of yourself. Start small. Dream big.

Root, ground and center. Move from acorn to oak tree, and as you harvest opportunities for advancement. Traverse your inner landscape and ecology for breakthroughs in secrecy and silence. Consider a liver cleanse for your regenerative health.

Gracefully shed skins of antiquated beliefs, and as we grow in consciousness. Shed the skin known as the dragon's coat, and as I release that which no longer serves me. With quiet, but determined action, elegantly navigate your year of personal growth, and real eyes that it is my vibration that shifts the energy.

Shift gears and consider to be the change you wish to see in the world. Find/choose a more fulfilling path in life. Avoid overthinking things, and recall that luck is the residue of design and when preparation meets opportunity. Do your prep work. Learn divination in the year of the little dragon. Take a measured approach in manifesting your vision.

Hold to the tenent of nothing in excess. Guard against excessive optimism. Real eyes that the way is within, and that it is an internal transformation that can well open doors to personal and professional achievements. Real eyes that you are one of those shining briight lights. Openly express your feelings and consider to become involved in a spiritual community.

We will have the opportunity to evolve. Know thyself, love thyself. Move from armor to amor. Accept the cosmic invitation to release that which no longer serves us. In harmony, real eyes profound inner growth via a deeper meditaton.

Listen to one another. Invite deeper, more meaningful relationships. Guard against gossip and manipulative language. Know that I am not so much for tolerating fuss nor aggression. Watch out for malevolence, cattiness and to even be caught up in being ruthless. See rather the beauty in repair, and consider to again rather leave the stag nation for a relation ship.

Recall that slow and steady wins the race. Navigate challenges and complex situations with grace, and with the smoothness.

Know that we will overcome.




"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

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