2025 * Year of the Hermit * nine * the emergent you
Two plus zero plus two plus five equals nine, hence the nine card in Tarot as the card of the year, and which in this case is the Hermit, courtesy of Voyager Tarot by James Wanless.

Move from extraordinary to extra ordinary. Working and living in harmony with natural law & order, bring your singleminded focus and spiritual discipline to bear, and as you best give birth to the emergent you. Know that you are whole and healed, and that right thought, intention and action come first from deep meditation. Be steadfast and steady as she goes. Keep on with the keepin’ on, and keep it going. Be watchful of unshared resources. Yield of your inner riches. Recall that the purpose in life is to discover your gifts and talents, and that the meaning in life is to share of them. In union with the divine, know that you are the lovelight. Feel deeply.
Move from scared to sacred. As inner voyager share of your inner resources. You are a healer. Bring your healing touch to bear. Heal thru touch. Touch someone. You can do it, you are a conduit. Relax into it and realign with the divine. Match your vibration with another. Change the channel, close your eyes. Change your channel, close your eyes. See yourself in golden white light. Assess and act in accord with spirit. Be accepting. Be forgiving. Real eyes that life is forgiving, that life is for giving. Call upon your spirit teachers, Mother Mary, Quan Yin, the cosmic Shekinah, Sophia, the divine mother goddess, your mother ocean & earth mothers.
What is your relationship with Yeshua Ben Joseph, with Father God, our Mother Goddess ??
Harvest what is ripe and for the taking. Recall that as eye come upon illumination at the end of the dark tunnel, that as within, it is so without. Relax into it. Know thyself. Love thyself. Run to her. Listen to her. Sing with her. Write it down. Make note of things. Take the time to sit with your feelings, to really feel where you are at with things. Alone and all one, ask of where are you at ?? It’s atonement/at one ment. Be at rest and at peace with things. Real eyes that we all share the same religion. We all wake up alive every morning. Revel in her morning love.
Sleep deeply and know that beyond right & wrong there is a field. I will meet you there.
Get on the land and be down 2 earth, even practical. Plan, sow and nurture, and in order to ensure your harvest. Be fruitful and multiply. Pull from the low lying fruit in your life. Take inventory of things and ensure there is nothing in excess. It all comes in good time, and as no wine will be served before its time. It’s time. Complete your projects and recall that if it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing right. If you’re gonna do it, do it right. Harvest in August/September.
The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don’t go back to sleep. Be sage and of the dreamtime. Refrain from weapons of mass distraction, and rather self heal. Live simply and eat nutritiously. As pilgrim, monk, sage, sadhu, and/or yogini, know we are of ancient wisdom. Make the spiritual pilgrimage, and to the shrine here known well as heaven on earth. Lay hands on her and in accord with spirit. Sit in crop circles and shed your skin, if not twice over.
Narrowness nine of crystals wait until you are spoken thru
Consider that there is no need to look far and wide, and that the way is within.
Stay within yourself. Take the time to sit with things. Follow the prompts. Know that you cannot turn your back on the truth. See things true, see things thru. Deepen your intention and dedicate yourself. Be unwavering in your commitment. Do one thing at a time. Stay in your lane and stay on the down low. Don’t wait until your are spoken to, wait until you are spoken thru. Inquire of your spirit teachers and do your best to match their vibration. Be defenseless in love. Be accepting of others and intend to be nonjudgmental.
Fulfillment nine of cups we cherish what we create
Real eyes your purpose. Discover your gifts and talents, and then share of them. Find a showroom and lust for it. How can I be of service ?? Make goods. Make good. How can I be helpful ?? From seed to flower, from fruit to nectar, from grapes to wine, cultivate your inner riches. Luxuriate in your yield. Toast your achievements, and as we cherish what we create.
Harvest nine of worlds you have much to offer
Fully bear your inner riches to the world. Real eyes your moon dreams. Do not waste another day. Get after it. Situations are ripe for the harvest. Your efforts will not go to waste. Do the right thing. Reap what has been sown and nurtured. Harvest the fruits of your labor. Follow thru to completion. Do not sell yourself short. Finish things up and set the table for the next go round. Your success is evident and unquestionable. Know where others have drawn their line, and bring baskets enough to harvest and share of your bounty and spoils. Know thyself, love thyself. Recall that you have much to offer, and are most radiant at dusk.

Integrity nine of wands grow up in consciousness
Go off track and drop into the stillness. Straighten your spine and unpave your mind. Meditate and make the pilgrimage. Alone and all one, consider that you are the lovelight. Heaven everywhere, at home anywhere. Beauty before me, beauty behind me. Imperturbable to the obvious, put your prayer stick to use. Ask of the angels of grace to restore the beauty within me. Act in accord with spirit. Intuit your way, be into it. Keep fit. Know thyself, love thyself.