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November Tarot * the peoples vs. Hillary Rodham Clinton * unfulfilled

Prolly ‘bout as traitorous as they come these days. She took the voting machine and flipped the election in California and who knows how many other states. She shredded any thread of moral fabric left within the American voting public. And she’s a warlord to boot, not to mention her tendency toward murder she wrote. Too many Americans know what’s up, and again not to mention our international neighbors and conspirators. We know the truth with vaccines, we long ago got the skinny on nine eleven, and we know Bernie beat her two to one in Cali and prolly in at least a coupla few other states and jurisdictions. HRC is completely outta her tree.

The Dems only have themselves to blame. They had their chances. We all know that we need to take the incentive out of putting (young black) men in jail and keeping them there. Ditto for getting peoples sick (via chemtrail aerosols and heavy metals) and keeping them sick, and for putting other countries into war and keeping them at war. It’s all about the shekels.

And now it’s all about the Donald. And that’s not to say we don’t all know that Bernie and his Sanderistas woulda, coulda and shoulda flattened Trump’s Manhattan. And now that most all we can hope for is an EW showing in 2020, and that the millennials may well be our saving grace.

Fullfillment * nine of cups * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless * Way of the Great Oracle

Hers was a drunken disregard for the right of the peoples to institute a new government. Before our workaholic nation she was without the consent of her fellow countrymen and women. And as her means had become the destruction of our ends it could well also be said that she was less than ladylike, and prolly had left the more than a one of us in fear that with a queen of hearts elect like her, that it might well be off with more than a coupla few of our heads.

Our country may have lost her generosity, but Hillary Rodham Clinton lost the respect of the 13 grandmothers, our hippie children, and the once upon a time Iroquois Council of women elders. She was lost in a myopic world of her own and all the while casting pearls before swine.

She went from a once upon a time earthgirl and potential fairest lady of our lands “receptor” to our newfound ‘merican “receptacle,” and one who spent most all her time rather pointing fingers, when ‘twas prolly best that she just have took another good long look in the mirror.

Until we can own our power and beauty and that unto the integrity of an amazing grace, we will rue the days and that until the power of love overcomes the love of power, and our world well knows peace, love and joy, and begins to trust again in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Real eyes your inner riches and talents (the pearls within you). Be of service to others.



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

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