June Tarot * President Sanders * Growth

Anything short of the above is a sham. Polls have him with a double digit lead on Trump, he won New Hampshire with a sixty percent majority and hasn’t let up since, save for Clinton’s renewed resolve to win at any cost. If the queen minion is successful in her quest to become queen of the minions, we will fall under the United States of Automan, Robots ‘n Clones, and where we need to think alike, pray alike, believe alike and not only vote alike, but we need to like our government, or more specifically the killing machine known as our military industrial complex, and as we continue to acquiesce to paying taxes without representation.
Growth * Ten of Wands * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless * Way of the Great Oracle
Do not give up. See things true, see things thru. Keep on with the keepin’ on and grow up, in consciousness. Recall that our growth in consciousness is served by the collective or universal unconscious. Grow majestic and beautiful. Get grounded in your power and beauty and stand tall, and together. Know that this campaign still has legs, and from the roots up. Where olde meets new and as baby boomers join in with millennials, we grow thru greater emotional expression. There is still much to be revealed. reLife and real eyes that time waits for no one.