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June Tarot * Bernard III * Empress

Apparently he got on the boat with the rest of ‘em, as Joe is reporting that the Bern has begun to smolder and has endorsed Hillary. Not in one hundred years would I vote for her, not if god himself came down from the heavens. What’s done is done. It’s hard to run when you’re at sea.

Cries of run Bernie run, have been hung out to dry, like dirty laundry. Did he ever come clean with us, or is he just another cog in the machine ?? There was precedent. Honest Abe ran on an anti slavery platform and for an upstart Republican party, winning the election without a majority but with enough votes to be elected President, and to help usher out the Whigs.

Speaking for myself and perhaps others, there was the thought that “Bernard the third,” party candidate, could move from precedent to president, of the United States of America.

The thought was that he had made the decision to run for the office of the President of the United States of America, and not just the Democratic party nominee. If the Dems have decided to look the proverbial gift horse in the mouth, then goddess help them.

With possibly the worst choice of candidates in our nation’s history, let alone answer the question as to whether either of them are qualified or not, we are left to deal with distrust and dislike, let alone things like dishonesty, corruption, racism, sexism, bankruptcy and con artists.

We are without a proportional representation voting system and have the choice between a warmongering reality tv host, and a frontwoman for the militaristic industrialists and globalists.

Bernie has joined the ranks of Rand Paul and Jesse Ventura. And despite that there are near 20 third parties here in America and that the emergent millennials well favor any third party candidate over Hillary or the Donald, Bernie has snuffed the flames from the Sanderistas.

Jill Stein the Green, and Gary Johnson the Libertarian, are now free to paddle upriver of their own volition. There will be no Theodore Roosevelt Bull Moose coalition of National Progressives, no Millard Fillmore Know Nothings of any American Party, nor mention of the Strom Thurmond Dixiecrats. What was once lost on American Independent George Wallace and independent Reform Party candidate Ross Perot, was apparently not lost on Bernard Sanders.

We can still vote with our conscience, not to mention our dollars. And as the question is no longer what would Bernie do, ‘tis now the question of what can you do ?? How are we to be ??

Empress * three * Voyager Tarot * Way of the Great Oracle * by James Wanless

See things true, see things thru. It is one thing to be emotionally invested, and yet a whole ‘nother thing to have an intellectual basis or the philosophical underpinnings, and to be cognizant of the issues. If you’re resting on your laurels as a liberal and/or progressive, check that you haven’t become conservative and even protective, to the point of stagnation and even death, and are perhaps still stuck in the material world, next to Hillary & Co. If you’re lacking in precision thinking and analysis, watch for being an imposition on others.

Consider that Trump may not be the heavy that peoples make him out to be, and that rather he’s your brother, and just playing his part. Do your best to keep your spiritual plane clean.

Real eyes that no fruit is too small, no being is too weak, no idea is too foolish, and no emo is too immature. The empress is one with all and honors and respects the all of life for its inherent richness and beauty. Are you ready to give birth to your third party of choice, perhaps in creative union with Jill Stein or Gary Johnson ?? Birthing is first conceived in the mind. What are you thinking ?? What lies in your field of dreams ?? Nurse and nurture your creations into full flower, and with healing and compassionate hands. Recreate new life by honoring what needs to die. If the Dems won’t have him/us, then perhaps it’s time to close in on an encounter with the third party, and as….

such holding together calls for a central figure around whom other persons may unite,

to become a center of influence is a grave matter and fraught with great responsibility,

it requires greatness of spirit, consistency and strength. (iChing)

Imagine, dream and even chance to be poetic. Have endurance and patience. Be practical and down 2 earth. Remain nonjudgmental. Fulfill your ocean & earth responsibilities, and know that your time is when you express yourself and of your feelings, in prime time, in summertime.

It takes a strong woman to stand up to her fate. Be full and strong. Be in community, in your friendship circle. Be gentle with yourself and others. Be pure of intention and amorous, especially of Donald and Hillary. Preserve by multiplying. Allow of yourself to be heard and seen. Be receptive, loving and compassionate, and real eyes what you are doing is ok.

Walk in beauty and share of your love. Be kind and gentle, firm and clear. Continue to spread peace, love and joy, and no matter the prospects, and whether down by the riverside, under the waterfall, or out alone and all one in your field of dreams. Dream your life, live your dream.



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

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