June Tarot * Full Moon * Sensor

Things may well be near signed, sealed and stamped, and with delivery however not quite yet taken. The thought for this coupla few days of heightened sensitivities and feelings, is not to be discouraged, as there is in theory at least, still two weeks to devote to your original new moon intention or the whatnot. Look for things to transpire within your said time frame, as if you can feel it, you can transform it. Think good thoughts, feel gratitude, give thanx to well wishers, and praise to the mother goddess. It is neither time yet to lie idle as there is an increase in psychic abilities, personal strength, love and power. Consider that you are beautiful, radiant and very intuitive under this full moon. It is a productive time, full of magic and dreams, and perhaps oft best accessed by simple meditation. If dealing with money matters or things on the homefront, there is a caution against major decisions yet to be made, and given it is perhaps best or better to continue to wield your creativity in pursuit of major works and/or ground breaking pursuits.
Sensor * Woman of Wands * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless * Way of the Great Oracle
Let your physical senses alert and reveal, sense and detect. Trust in your gut to show you the way. Follow your natural extrasensory perception, to see thru the disguised and unseen. Suss out the situation, sensing danger or opportunity. Once in the clear, consider to take off your clothes and concerns and to dance in the fire and passion of life. As shamaness you are spirited and inspired, and imbued of a fiery sensitivity. Exalt in spirit and move to the rhythms of nature. Feel your body electric and uninhibited. In your heightened and altered emotional state, be radiant as you reveal and transform, heal and transmute. Let your spirit soar and be cleansed. Be sensual, naked and feel of your return to nature. See into the many dimensions of yourself and others. Care to penetrate beyond the superficial and transparent realities, and into deeper subconscious phenomena. Fingerpoint the essentials and offer of your observations. Soften to receive and consider again to be a receiver. Look into the occult, the mystikal and magickal. Read the Tarot. Bridge and weave past and future, conscious and subconscious. Be nonspatial, here and there, and unbound by the physical. As darkside goddess and shadow, feel of your delicate sensitivities to destroy of superstition and to discern from which way the wind is blowing. Feel the prevailing opinion and mood, and consider the use of tools and rituals for enhancing perception thru the altered states of consciousness they help induce. Tap into your personal vitality to come into your fullness, at sunrise and sunset, at midnight and at high moon.