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June Tarot * Gibbous Moon * Chariot

Not sure ‘bout you, and for myself this first quarter waxing moon arrived right on schedule, with challenges to face, impromptu decisions to be made and actions to be taken. It’s a cautionary tale as apparently there is extra pressure on plans to be felt and dealt with, and necessary courage to be found. Again for myself, can do little but feel my way thru this, trust my gut and summon any intuition I dare to trust in and/or draw upon. And as always am grateful for friends and family, any luck I can muster and motivation to be had, and as things are in the balance and myself seemingly unprepared for things at near every turn, possibly walking the razor’s edge, and yet still looking for a breakthru of sorts. The good news is that the doors are still open and regeneration and renewal still rule the day. If things seem on pause or even at an impasse, consider instead that there is movement on things despite an appearance to the contrary, and that patience and tying up loose ends are better bets in response to this gibbous moon.

If you find that you’ve changed your mind, don’t fret, simply stay within yourself and remain accommodating. Adjust, refine, rephrase, and give things an edit, if not a haircut and a shave.

Chariot * seven * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless * Way of the Great Oracle

Move from dogma to dharma. If in doubt, do it and be it. See it, feel it and recall that life is for living. Refrain from the weapons of mass distraction and rededicate yourself. Don’t eat too much nor too late in the day. Get outside and out into the great outdoors. Get in the water and out upon this once flat earth of ours. Get in shape and stay in shape. Follow your own timing.

Real eyes that things are moving in spite of appearing to be still. Recall that the way out is in, and that the time to move (in) is now. The way is within. Cultivate your inner stillness and real eyes it’s not a big deal. Know that the divine is conspiring in your favor and that time is of the essence. Recall too that revelations oft come thru dreamtime. Dream your life, live your dream.

Consider to cover some ground and that in going beyond the beyond, that what we see as impassable mountains and/or uncrossable seas are but part and parcel to our ongrowing story. Recall that boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Keep your options open and consider to hit the road Jack ‘n Ji!! When it’s time to stop then stop, when it’s time to advance, then push ‘em forward. There is no turning back on the truth. Work in harmony with others and save room for yes.



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

© 2017 by nalu verde * created with

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