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November’s Planetary Panorama

By mid-month, Father Sun, messenger Mercury, lover Venus, and warrior Mars will all be courting and cavorting each other in the cauldrons of Libran partnership and the spicy sauce of Scorpio transformation. Thus, it is essential that this first week of November we master the Jupiter, Mars, and Venus in Virgo demanding the detailed art of discrimination, discernment, and discipleship, ready to apply the critical eye in all of our sacred relations.

To honor this cycle, please join us for our next teleclass, Sexual Astrology: Eros and the Archetypes in which we will explore the essential needs, passionate motivations, and erotic turn-ons for each sign of the zodiac. You will also learn about how the different planets represent specific desires in sex and relationship. Register Here

Saturn’s realism vs. Neptune’s fantasy

The cosmic filter for the next two months will be the massive Saturn in Sagittarius square to Neptune in Pisces.

First, the square is an aspect of tension, that when navigated consciously with dedicated effort can reap treasure.

Saturn in Sagittarius not only wants us to seek, and find our faith, but he demands that we trust unconditionally, following A Course in Miracles’ guidance that The Voice of your creator and the song of your higher self calls to you all day, in each moment. But if we don’t quiet our mind, stop the list of to-do’s and mediated distractions, we will lose the voice of the wise guide within, which is the promise of meditative, contemplative, and artistic Neptune in Pisces.

Saturn wants us to receive rewards for our persistent effort and direct action. For us to receive his pot of gold at the end of Neptune’s magic rainbow, we must be willing to mature our vision, to solidify our intentions through constructive practice. This transit invites each of us to c0mmit to living The Law of Attraction, which we might also call the Sacred Heart of Humble Prayer, in every aspect of our lives.

This nursery rhyme which most of us learn as children paints an instructive picture for our current cosmic invitation:

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;

All the king's horses and all the king's men

Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Humpty Dumpty is portrayed in the Mother Goose tale as an egg. The Neptunian “egg” in the nursery rhyme represents a primordial, paradiasacal condition we all remember, the remnants of our soul’s home in the Spirit world. But the egg can also be considered an illusory bubble, a world of make-believe. Have we been cocooned in our egg, comforted by the addiction of the familiar, not willing to break free into a new species of our personal evolution?

During the Saturn Neptune square, we can feel as though we have either hit the impossible to climb “wall” of Saturn, or that we have had a ‘fall’ from grace, the “king” ego—cracked like eggshell, dreams dismantled—left helpless to put us back together. Under this transit, our integrity is tested. Character will crumble the more we try to keep up any false facade, and yet we cannot let ourselves be weighed down by anchors of heavy pressure.

Do not blink at disappointment, but tend to it. The view fr0m the mountaintop is truly breathtaking, but requires one focused, preciosu step at a time to arrive, and the special gear you need to make it to the top include: intention, awareness, care, and caution. With these, the potential martyrdom of this transit will vanish and be replaced by an element of the Buddhist Eightfold Path—Right Effort.

Saturn points his bony finger, creaking his cackling voice, asking each of us:

—Has your integrity leaked out in some behavior of slacking off?

—What weaknesses in your character need to be defined in order to be adjusted, reformed, and refined?

But then Neptune in Pisces wafts on in like a seaside mermaid, with aromas of redemption and hope, reminding us that we are not made of accomplishment and achievement but of the prayer of remembrance and ultimate self-dissolution in the Unity of Being. Perhaps we have been too rigid or too constrained in our energy, not allowing for magic to motivate us. Are we ready warriors of light, to let Spirit whisper delicious synchronicities to us through song, dream, dance, art, and service?

Look to the houses in your chart where Sagittarius rules and Pisces rules. These areas will feel the force of this cosmic collision, and ask you to transcend disillusioned victimization in the name of structured, disciplined Self-realization.

Hope to talk to you for our special teleclass the week of Nov. 17th. Check it out here.

The winking CelestiOwl,



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

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