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A TANGO with the Mind: Full Moon in Gemini

This Wednesday’s Full Moon at 3 degrees of Gemini creates a mutable T-Square between the Sun, Saturn, and Mercury in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces. Will we be swept along like raging embers in these winds of change and limiting mental constructs, or will we join with our higher self in intimate embrace to master our improvisational Tango?

This Full Moon is beautifully reflected in the art of Tango, which I have been blessed to both study and watch here in Buenos Aires, even as the city and country have divided themselves in this weekend’s presidential elections—their beliefs, their philosophies, the information shared—in the polarizing egoic game of “poli-tics,” and even as the world chooses now, in response to the Paris attacks, whether it projects an enemy out there or whether it unites in prayer and solidarity. Shall we dance?

One of the challenges for all mutable signs, the dancers of the zodiac—Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces—is the scattered distraction of doing: the busy-ness of discovery, exploration, learning, teaching, travel. One of the invitations from this Full Moon is to accept a teaching from “A Course in Miracles”—All Changes are Helpful. I recently saw this mirrored in Buenos Aires with the graffiti tag

“Change is the name of the future….”

In my last three weeks in South America, I have once again been reminded of the Gemini-Sagittarius traveler’s tantamount challenge: to accept the constant change, to embrace impermanence without an agenda, to empty into the shifting and receive fully the medicine of what is present. For the mutable signs are also quick to judge—their nature is to modify, teach, and evolve the element they are in. But judgment can easily lead to projection and the ego’s seduction into separation.

Gemini and Sagittarius must constantly check their mental ‘dance steps’, What stories am I narrating about my reality? What limiting beliefs am I still holding on to? Be-Lie-f… Are we being in the “lie” of a story and then entrapping ourselves in an imprisoned architecture of thought? Or can we arrive at Neptune in Pisces’ profound revelation that all projection, story, and judgment are incorrect perception, for they are the ego’s game of separation. Instead Neptune reminds us to rest in Unitive Being, to know that we are sustained by the love of our Creator, even as Gemini and Sagittarius must fully confess: I do not understand anything or know what anything means.

So if I feed a negative thought, if I give it meaning, then it will exist and dominate my awareness. If I feed a positive thought, and if we harmonize in prayer and compassion, then humanity will reverberate at that frequency.

For the Sun, Mercury, and Saturn in Sagittarius, the centaur symbol reminds us of the wisdom of the body and the importance of our diligent study of its teachings. Like the animal instinctual consciousness, body is always in present tense and reflects what is happening in our minds.

And so returning to Tango: we must reconnect to the primacy of animal, as both lead and follow, masculine and feminine. And our masculine lead is a signal, not a force, performed with total confidence; our feminine exists on the edge, responding instantly, unable to anticipate. Elegant slinking to the earthpulse beneath, we keep both feet connected to the ground until she snaps into a kick, pliable in her pivot. We flow, in simultaneous improvisations, an incomparable intimacy of concentration, until at least he heaves her toward the floor, and she submits fully into the arc of release.

And we unite in the surrender of total trust, the two transcended into the One.

We do not dance, but are danced.

“At the group dances, the milonga, the men come to you, grab you and say: Tomorrow is going to die the world, so please, feel this moment, this time, this breath….”




"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

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