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November Tarot * Samhain, All Hallow’s Eve, All Soul’s Day, Day of the Dead * Devil’s Play, Universe

Once upon a time, and a time not too very long ago at that, I came across an ex catholic nun that went by the name of sister Theresa, and of whom had a most intriguing suggestion for me when querying her in regards to meditation. She shared that praying was asking of god, and meditation listening to god. Obviously the aforementioned was not soon forgotten, and given that we have (just) come upon the eve of the thinnest of the veil, come All Hallow’s Eve or Samhain as it is known in pagan circles, may it be time for us to beseech of her by our truest of natures and a most harmonic of convergences ?? Prayer * Devil’s Play * fifteen * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless * Way of the Great Oracle Do not pass judgment on what may well be your “true original genius.” Live fully and joyously. Exalt in life. Dance and sing and rejoice. Make music. Offer up your gifts and talents with splendor. Feel your power, vitality and wholeness. Act spontaneously and real eyes that your action will disrupt yet bring about awakening. Present unconventional ideas and from nontraditional vantage points. You are what you eat. Eat of unconventional and nontraditional foods and cultures. Move from censor to sensor. Be socially uncensored. Continue doing god’s work. Lie, sit and dance upon this earth. Frolic in nature. Express your sexuality and sensuality. Be visible and provocative. Go out of order, out of turn. Change the channel, change your channel. Go between worlds, and break on thru to the other side. Alter your state of consciousness. Stay within yourself. Recall that life is a love story and her song our lantern. Meditation * Universe * twenty one * Voyager Tarot

As an offspring of the goddesses and gods, combine godspeed with god’s seed. Create and go beyond your wildest of expectations. Real eyes that the inexplicable is only natural. Go into the wilderness within and real eyes again, that it is rich and vast. Change the channel, close your eyes. Change your channel, close your eyes. Drink deeply of your spiritual love to keep the fire within well lit. Shamanifest and hatch something anew. Be in union with the uni verse, and real eyes that you carry the uni verse in your heart song. Think with your heart and live in harmony with natural law and order. Move from chaos to harmony and from disorder to order. Take the biggest step you can, or the first step, or the last. Spend time at where your air mind meets your water body of emotion, at soul level. Be at rest at your mind’s eye (decalcify your pineal gland). Sit still so that your kundalini may arise. Lighten up and let go. Sculpt your body anew and re create. Dream your life, live your dream. Travel and go new places. Meet new people and do new things. Live your fantasy. It’s all time, any place and any time.



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

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