Increase Your Impact and Wealth: Full Moon Scorpio
This week's Full Moon in Scorpio is a time to increase your wealth—of money, Spirit, esoterica, and shamanic transformation—by blending...

May Day Tarot * Marvin Gaye * harmony
Originally a victory for anarchists and the labor party to reduce a frightful 14 hour working day down to eight hours, it is also an...

US of A Tarot * unwarranted aggression * Empress
Don’t know ‘bout you, and am really feeling this full moon, and with the US tomahawking of Syria only adding insult to injury. How we...

2017 Tarot * dreamweavers * delusion
dreamkeepers by Jody Bergsma We are still in a ten year, the year of fortune and am writing this to remind myself that even tho I might...

2017 Tarot * year of homo illuminous * illumination
“The problems that exist in the world today cannot be solved by the level of thinking that created them,” (Albert Einstein)....

Standing Rock Tarot * thank you water protectors * success
There was a doctor in at work the other day who shared that his son was back from military duty in Afghanistan or thereabouts, and had...

Odin's Journey * the Norse Wisdom Cards
just picked up this deck after a long time looking at it longingly (at the local water brewery) and am enjoying getting to know it's...

President's Day After Tarot * nature of the beast * synergy
We are karma yogis and yoginis, with chakras rooted within our civil unrest, and perhaps as unfinished biz from an ever so long ago Civil...

post Valentine's Tarot * Melania are you ok * harvest
Had been invited to the local goddess temple the other night, and had chance to revisit the themes of resistance against our dominator...

What does the spike in the Schumann resonance mean?
In 1952, German physicist and professor W.O. Schumann hypothesized there were measurable electromagnetic waves in the atmosphere that...