Standing Rock Tarot * thank you water protectors * success

There was a doctor in at work the other day who shared that his son was back from military duty in Afghanistan or thereabouts, and had been required to be on not one, and not two, but three psychotropic drugs for post traumatic stress disorder, and if not would be court marshalled.
There was another kid who was strapped in his shopping cart and couldn’t move more than a fidget, and with his smiling mom in tow. He prolly needed a good liver cleanse, perhaps some probiotics, a heavy metal detox, parasite cleanse, help with constipation and a nervine or two.
We are most all sleepless in America. We are for the most part, or at least oft anxious, withdrawn, disconnected, and feeling there is no exit nor escape route. We pray, we smudge, we walk it off, all the while repressing our rage against the machine.
We see scenes of police brutality and unwelcome military intervention, and are under an undulating amount of stress and duress on the homefront, and from the redwood forests to the gulf stream islands. This land was made for you and me.
For some we have learned nonviolence and wish to stand up for ourselves, if not others. We envision our inseparability from our Native American, First Nation and worldwide indigenous community of brothers and sisters, and wish to take greater risks for the greater good.
We wish to come together as we know we are better together. We are prayerful and wish for peaceful resolution to things, and in the face of repeated atrocities and corporate terrorism and/or fascism. The peoples of the Seven Council Fires faced water cannons likely mixed with chem sprays, floodlights at all hours of the night, psy ops, low flying planes with their lights off, and the general manipulation of law enforcement by corporate entities and their sponsors.
And still there is silver lining, as it is the seventh generation that has emerged from the rubble. Their tribe harbors a belief in healing and rebirth, and has met our broken promises with prayer and solidarity for all. Their commonwealth is one of unity and to follow the red, red road.
And where deceit and corruption have run amuck, and where coal, oil and natural gas has proven entrenched, they remain matriarchal and suggest reunion and solar power instead, and work to move past insignificant difference and to respect our earth, wind and firewaters.
success * ace of worlds * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless
Watch that you are not caught up in the material world to the exclusion of other values and perspectives, and that you don’t harbor an inflated sense of self import from material success.
Succeed in human relationships thru moon like sensitivity. Succeed in the home world thru stewardship of your earth home, and by caring and sharing (of previously unshared resources).
Be creative and active in your worldly life. Practice synergy, the capability of drawing different elements and resources together. Cooperate in partnership and make alliances. Co create.
Be practical and earthmatic. Perform the brown, down 2 earth mundane duties. Stay in proximity of others of like ilk, and keep your eye toward California. Know how to be restful and neutral, yet radiate great light. Dream and envision. Build new worlds.
Take one small step at a time, and real eyes that just as worlds undergo periodic natural upheavals, so may your plans. Convert one step back to one step forward, and don’t be afraid to double your rate of failure. Recall as well that if you can’t stand the heat, that it is perhaps best to get out of the kitchen.
Take California poppy as medicine, and to keep your cool. Look to the Iroquois Council of Elders and the 13 Grandmothers, for you are now on center stage. You’ve asked to be seen and heard.
They’re listening.

already interrelated