post Valentine's Tarot * Melania are you ok * harvest

Had been invited to the local goddess temple the other night, and had chance to revisit the themes of resistance against our dominator social construct and patriarchy, and of which perhaps unfortunately, I have long ago tired of, especially when exhorted by fems who are walking and talking the razor’s edge in not being of what they speak of themselves.
And it’s not that there weren’t a plethora of pearls of wisdoms to be had, and to be overcome by the authenticity and genuine concern for the good of all, that was also shared of on this particular meeting, as no doubt these woman are not sitting at home, and are dead set on shifting the paradigm if not flat out reversing the stereotype that they currently are up against, and admittedly so on an hourly if not more oft, basis.
Among the many things it got me to thinking about, it got me to harken me back to the signs I had seen during the women’s march that read to the effect, “Melania, are you ok ?”
And admittedly, I wondered ?? I also won’t lie, as a SoCal dude, and one not uninitiated in speaking of chicks, hotties, and the like, am a fair bit intrigued by the whatnot of things. How is she doing ?? What exactly is going on there ?? Melania, how are things ??
At first glance, and guilty as I may be, it is not a long road to the query of ‘tis she so far off from mail order bride, porcelain goddess, gold digger entrapped in the proverbial gilded cage, and now under White House arrest ?? Truth be told there is little immaterial ‘bout the girl that meets the eye, and that despite her sometimes autowoman persona.
Add in the fact that she has chosen of the original ogler in Chief, a boorish rude boy with obvious if not overt locker room insensibilities, a man who unashamedly objectifies women and most assuredly sexualizes most all of his relationships. He was attributed with the selection of his wife’s Jackie O. strait jacket fashions on inauguration day, and some none too tame Ivana accusations, no doubt stemming from his brazen ignorance.
It is a “different” relationship. He is don Trump and she immigrant model and international icon in waiting. The irony is obvious, as while white au pairs and nannies marry up with famous golfers and a president, our homeland security hauls off anyone of color that has the slightest of suspicions about them, and that with no questions asked.
Ain’t Amerika great ??
Again I am harkened back to one of my fave women, an accomplished and most beautiful yogini who failed to subscribe to the supermodel stereotype and instead fled to India, and rather than fawning over her local guru media darling of choice, she opted instead to learn Sanskrit while she was there, and as part and parcel to her learning to own her power and beauty, and with a most amazing grace. And not unlike Melania, there was nothing hapless about her, nor any accidental tourist to her wanderings or destinies.
Melania has a role to play, and historical at that. It’s not all just pomp and circumstance. She has international stage and seems sincere in her affections, and not just for the DT, but perhaps for the greater good of all. If we can see past the dump Trump campaign, and real eyes that we all need to be seen and heard, perhaps we will listen for her.
And when opportunity knocks, the question begs, “how are you with things ?” Do you raise your hand and lend your voice ?? Do you again real eyes that the words we use communicate but less than ten percent of the message communicated, and that our tone of voice is thirtysomething percent of our message, and that our body language reveals the remaining fiftysomething percent of what we have to share.
According to the tenets of Tibetan Buddhism, how we treat women affects the success of our biz dealings. How do you treat your fellow felines. How are you with yourself ??
How far are you willing to go ?? Violence against women is obviously more widespread than the White House headlines. What about our treatment of animals ?? Have recently come across the notion that you can’t be an environmentalist if you’re not a vegan.
Of all the woo woo things I’ve come across and vetted, non violent communication is by far the most difficult of any modality. Hopefully for the Donald and the all of us, his third time will be the charm. His wife is a grown woman with a now very high visibility.
Speaking for myself, to discount her, is to discount the all of us and the women among us.
Harvest * nine of worlds * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless
If you’re over it, hold up. Recognize that situations are ripe, and that you may now well have opportunity to bear your inner riches to the world. Consider that the table has been set, and that all that is asked of you is to “show up.” Real eyes that you have grown up on consciousness and are in your full power and maturity, and that we are better together.
Do not underestimate yourself. Real eyes that as lunar sister you have much to offer. Do not let your efforts go to waste. Finish up and clean up. Reap what you have sown and know that this a vitally important completion task for you because it represents the fulfillment of your karma and dreams. Tie up loose ends, resolve the unresolved, and finish up the unfinished. Consider that undone and incomplete affairs result in fallen fruit that putrifies and stagnates. End the cycle of injustice and violence against all, against women, against animals and against all our relations. Plan, organize and work it out.
Make your success, tangible, material, unquestionable, obvious and measurable. Prepare for the future by taking care of the present. Don’t overstep your jurisdiction and stay to your side of the fence. Let the country road take you home, and to the place you belong.
‘Tis almost heaven, and if you listen, you can hear her voice. And as she may bring teardrops to your eyes, recall that life is olde, and is good for livin’. Let her be.

reap what you have contemplated, sown and nurtured....