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May Day Tarot * Marvin Gaye * harmony

Originally a victory for anarchists and the labor party to reduce a frightful 14 hour working day down to eight hours, it is also an international distress call for help, “mayday, mayday, mayday!!”

As Marvin would say, “hey, hey, what’s goin’ on ?? !!” We have not only lost our minds, we have lost any shred of decency or social conscience. What happened to America the generous, not to mention the beautiful ?? What is happening in Chechnya, and how is it that our president has responded in similar fashion to the Kremlin, in that he is in favor of (more) waterboarding ??

And not to mention our sabre rattling over North Korea. The military industrial complex is always interested in any opportunity to feed the war machine, albeit unlike Syria there are no pipeline politics nor subsequent economic end game to the North Korea saga, and as nuclear theatre is unlikely for that very reason. If we don’t do it, we were thinking about doing it.

Our history of (CIA) intervention, to overthrow foreign governments, and no matter whether democracy or dictatorship, ‘tis all about the almighty dollar, and never about the humanitarian or even religious reasons that many speculate or even hope for, and no matter the folly.

Big mouths get taken down in the end, and the meek shall inherit the earth. The American “empire” is coming to a close. 2076 is our three hundred year anniversary, and the usual life expectancy or span for “empires” of the past. Do you have an “exit strategy,” or do we just rely upon the millennials ?? When that day immemorial comes, who you gonna ca!! ??

harmony * eight of wands * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless * Way of the Great Oracle

Bring your own life into harmony. Do not ignore any of your facets. Blend any and all of your traits and skills into a harmonious whole. Bridge all of your factions even if in opposition to one another. Censor nothing. Let your spirit orchestrate an all encompassing harmony between worlds.

Recognize how you can harmonize with the world and with others to create beauty. Understand your unique life situation and in turn, see the uniqueness of others and their situations. Walk in beauty.

Know thyself and listen to her music. Move from competition to cooperation and recall that life is a love story and her song our lantern. As rainbow woman, integrate your physical world (drum) with the spiritual and ethereal (harp).

Move from disorder to order, from chaos to harmony and from dis ease to at ease. Eat bitter greens. Take responsibility for what you can, and find your rhythm for that which you cannot.

Find your instrument (your genius), to inspire, relax and to heal others, if not yourself. Soften to receive and take pause to take it all in. Invite another in, and make love, not war. Eat raw.

As the music man and woman, and as rainbow peoples, sing and recall of your part to play and consider, that it all falls together. We’ve got to find a way, for our love to escalate.



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

© 2017 by nalu verde * created with

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