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US of A Tarot * unwarranted aggression * Empress

Don’t know ‘bout you, and am really feeling this full moon, and with the US tomahawking of Syria only adding insult to injury. How we can do what we do in good conscience is beyond me.

Ghandi scryed that, an eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind, however am suspect that there is a fair bit more to it than that, as we are likely warmongering for the monies, and that Donald has just discovered that his pseudo approval ratings rise in the polls courtesy of his flagrant infringement in war torn Syria. Am additionally suspect that our chemical imbalance within has begotten the façade of chemical warfare without. Dick ‘n George lied to us about Iraq, and now DT is following suit in Syria. We are an unchecked nation wreaking havoc upon an unprotected sovereign state. As trigger happy international warlord and bully, we have once again overstepped our jurisdiction and taken liberties in the name of our Orwellian sensibilities and Animal Farm instincts. Apparently shamelessly so and guilt free we have made like roosters and police dogs, unhinging our version of international law as the tyrant’s will, and laid waste to the vulnerable, the trapped, and the powerless among us. Gaslighting and scapegoating our way across the Atlantic we are in denial of our most blatant aggress against our United Nations.

Non interference is the first law of spirituality. To hurt no man nor woman, is to but maintain another’s common dignity. There is no enemy. Nonviolence is perhaps the most difficult of missions. We have the choice to respond or react, to compete or cooperate. Power struggles are control issues of the third chakra. Feeling out of control does not justify judgmental jousts nor verbal attacks, or (much, much) worse. Video games and violence in the media both numb and provide stimulus at the same time. We feast on sports, protein supplements and some of us on steroids, all of which promote aggression. Things are not how I nor we, want them to be.

The non aggressor and in the name of self defense if and when need be, have gone the way of Ghandi. We are an overly ambitious lot, and suffer all too oft under the cumulative effects of post traumatic stress disorder. We are but so very fearful and insecure, and for that we suffer.

empress * three * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless * Way of the Great Oracle

Are we just to revel in the unbearable lightness of being ?? Are we not one with all, and to be in love with the all of life ?? Can we not see the inherent richness and beauty afforded to us by this life, and that no fruit is too small, no being too weak, no idea too foolish, and no emotion too immature ?? Are we not ocean & earth guardians, of protective and compassionate hands, abreast our sacred apus and in creative union, and tasked with keeping this thing together ??

Treat our mother ocean & earth mothers as you would yourself. Remain down 2 earth and resolve to leave this planet a better place than when you found it. Watch for the smothering mother and for the jealous and possessive behavior of the material girl. Recreate new life by honoring what needs to die. Nurse and nurture your creations into full flower. Beget and give birth to that central figure around whom other persons may unite. And whether that is Venus, Gaia, Quan Yin, Shekinah or a Peace Pilgrim like yourself, consider to be nonjudgmental and to share of your unconditional love. Consider to be precise in your thinking rather than a perfectionist, to be impeccable with your words, and to share of your feelings.

Be amorous and recall that wisdom is gentle in its application. Recall that we soften to receive and that we hold sacred space with the integrity of loving kindness. Be in community and in circle, and by holding compassion as our compass. Consider too, to keep your spiritual plane clean, and that before we turn the other cheek, that we may perhaps hold space for the notion that we are all charged with the call for peace pilgrims and that our healing may commence.

as seed essence of life, you eternally flower.... recreate, resurrect and revive,



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

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