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James Wanless * Paradise Found

Was lucky enough to run into James Wanless of Voyager Tarot and Sustain Yourself Cards, last Friday @Paradise Found here in Santa Barbara, as he was hosting a talk about the Year of Balance. He asked us if we had a sense of where we were unbalanced or out of balance in our lives, if we were perhaps too harmonious, or ever had cause to pass judgment or even to cut people (short or) down ?? He suggested that if we were ever too much this, then to do that, and if not necessarily one way or another, or neither here nor there, that it was wise of us to hold and see both sides of things. We talked about being unbiased and impartial as opposed to the quality of ambivalence, which by my take, could well lead to indecision, of which further breeds misfortune, if not missed fortunes. There was an inferred warning to watch for being too homogenous as opposed to the quality of harmonic convergence or being in union, and he talked of what made a good team. Of import were diversity, participation and to be equally balanced, while having plenty of women in your circle and preferably with the ability to read people’s eyes. There was the pairing of swords and our mental faculties while referencing the samurai sword of justice on the Balance card in Voyager Tarot, of worlds being synonymous with circles, of which I noticed both a mandorla and eclipse for the first time, courtesy of James’ oversized Balance card used with his presentation. He also mentioned how our hand was like a wand, which again by my take, is one of the ways in which we express ourselves as coming from the heart. There was also the thought that after last year’s horse and chariot, it was time to get our legs back under us, and to balance the scales so to speak. For myself, am suspecting that my personal imbalances are emotional, financial and social for the most part, while I am learning to be accommodating and accepting of my ongrowing resistibility, humility and insignificance, albeit a friend did pay tribute to my apparent interest in spirit, nature and travel, while he is busy building his wealth, however conceding his need for any of those perhaps absent in his life.



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

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