January Tarot * the hourglass * 8 (year of balance)
To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and an eternity in an hour. Auguries of Innocence, William Blake
To attain knowledge, add things every day, to attain wisdom, remove things every day. Lao Tzu
The impeded stream is the one that sings. Wendell Berry

Given that the hourglass is “symbolic of the balance seen in our universe,” and that an angular eight (with eight angles btw) looks somewhat similar to an hourglass, thought it might be worth a look see to inquire as to how it is that the sands of time wait for no woman. Unlike a woman, the hourglass is simple to reset, as reversal comes with a quick flip of the wrist, if it is well and indeed time to change things up. What was first on high becomes the down low, and as ‘twas above is then below, and that which empty soon comes full. There is also a sense of inevitability, with the process of give and take as sure as the clock which keeps on ticking, and with the quickness. From heaven’s gate, we see things move downward unevenly, which may give rise to the thought that we could be more measured in our communications. Oft pictured with a skull and roses there is an imperative of carpe diem, as time and the transitory nature of things just slip away. We fear that time’s up or that we’re running out of time, and can’t fathom how the time just got away from us. We unthinkingly overrun our allotted time, don’t meet the deadline, nor consider that it might well serve us to set aside time to stop and smell the roses.
Eight of Balance from Voyager Tarot
Balance is the law of action and reaction. For every action there is an equal reaction. When perfect equilibrium has been reached, any movement may cause order to revert to disorder (I Ching). Every change creates a new balance/imbalance. Be precise, orderly, even tempered, scrupulous and tidy. The principle of the Balance/Justice card is to give all points of view a fair hearing. Stay bewitched.