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Chinese New Years 2015 * female green (tree) wood sheep

So just exactly who are ewe, in this Chinese New Year of the female green wood sheep ?? Are ewe a giver, always getting caught up in other people’s misfortune, and oft finding yourself wanting to be of help ?? You’re loyal, trusting and a believer in reciprocal devotion, and one who is most always generous with her time and money ?? And wh...en counting sheep to sleep, ewe count yourself in good standing and of good fortune and prosperity ?? Or are ewe one of those who hesitates to vent or fully express herself when ewe’ve got a case of the “baahs ??” And yet how oft do ewe find yourself overly sensitive and moody, feeling anxious and/or worried, in knowing that you may be bottling up your ever present and prescient set of emotions ?? You oft find yourself puzzled by your mood swings, albeit ewe’re the first to be self deprecating and serve up a “baaahumbug,” if and when ewe come across as needy and/or clingy. You tend to group together with other sheeple, as you are anything but averse to the social aspect of things, playing things ever so sophisticated and as one of ever such discriminating tastes, and yet you manage to overspend and live well beyond your means. And still, ewe manage to keep a sense of humor about and around your American habit to excess, as you can be quite witty and clever. You are an intellectual with high morals, and one who has the knack for finding financial support as needed, not to mention coming into the odd inheritance or two, and receiving of gifts of the ever so timely sort. Ewe also have it in ewe to be shy, timid and docile, if not naïve, as you hold onto any and all an altruism as it may be deferential and/or beneficial to your middle class standing, on this middle earth of ours. You can also be whimsical, if not evasive, as you are careful not to be outflanked, as being apart from things can seem like an eternity. And speaking of the such, we can add that found within your ranks are craftspeoples and occultists who favor astrology, with the caution to avoid too much greasy foods, and to watch for overspending on comfort foods, in this year of the female green wood sheep.



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

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