New Moon Aquarian Age Medicine + Dissolving Boundaries with Mars and Venus

"The search for love is but the honest searching out of everything that interferes with love." - A Course in Miracles Sexy Sky Conjunction of the God and Goddess
Perhaps you noticed this Valentine’s weekend, the sweet nectar sky alignment of the Yin and Yang of the zodiac, sacred masculine Mars and divine feminine Venus. In the early evening hours for the next few weeks, you will spy a rare and striking consummation of the erotic couple Mars and Venus as they spend their last week in the sign of Pisces, before their big move across the fiery Aries threshold late February and March. Don’t miss this unique sky event. Just look for the brightest object in the sky, resplendent and glamorous Venus in Pisces, and right above her, passionate poet Mars.
For now, the deities of affection, intimacy, passion, aggression, and defense invite us to consider the Piscean archetype of love.
Mars in Pisces is unabashedly seductive and dreamy. Vision Johnny Depp in Don Juan Demarco and consider the following:
*The word romance conjures up these images or experiences for me.....
* what I feel about Soul-Mates
* what I feel about Twin Flames
Venus in Pisces seeks a cinematic experience of fantasy and idealism in relationship, sometimes leading to disappointment or disillusionment when reality sets in. Explore the following:
*What conditions or expectations to I put on love or my lover? What would it take for me to release these expectations and transmute my love from personal to transpersonal?
*Name a film that either encapsulates your love life....or that you imagined yourself in, in terms of its love themes.
*How can you take your ideals in partnership and bring them into practical form? What magical fairy dust can you sprinkle into your partnership to allow the mystical and spiritual to emanate in each moment?
Visit Rumi, Hafiz, and other poets of the Beloved this week as we return to our Source through sacred union.
Aquarian Medicine: The New Moon
Mercury has finally left his retrograde phase and will spend the rest of the month continuing his extended cycle in Aquarius, giving us ample opportunity to “kinnect” with our tribe, communities, and fellow visionaries. It is now the season when some of us begin to plan our summer of transformational festivals and expansive travels. During the retrograde, I found some really wonderful resources regarding such festivals. Visit....
With the New Moon in Aquarius, at the very last degree of the sign, Wednesday begins an ideal two week cycle to launch new projects and venture forth with our future plans.
To learn more about the Aquarian Age, check out this video from a lecture on the topic I gave in 2014 as we discuss the shifting paradigms and potentials in the emerging Age of Information and Energy.
The writing below is an exploration of the unfolding Aquarian themes in our world from my book Aquarius Dawns: The Shamanic Artist and the Rise of the Wounded Healer.
“The evolutionary imperative is what drives Aquarius. Thus, Aquarian ideals are founded on constantly revolutionizing the present moment. In this, there is little time for personal wounds, shadow-triggers, and blame to run the show. For Aquarius, it is always a question of the appropriate use of creative energy. The pillars of the emerging zeitgeist will be humanitarian, group efforts and technological advancements which assist the realization of equal opportunities and maximized personal freedom for all people.
And as a microcosm of the macrocosmic creator, the ways in which I can best offer my unique gifts to the Aquarian collective is to radically oppose the idea that I know what is the best way. This Aquarian approach is experimental and adaptive, it does not let the king-ego, the shadow of the cowardly lion Leo, manipulate a situation.
Just like the Pisces-Virgo polarity, in order to inaugurate the Aquarian age, we must beware the shadow polarity of Leo—egocentrism, the conceited artist, the irresponsible child, the self righteous drama queen, the arrogant dictator. We must instead sip the Leo medicine—unconditional creativity, the generous and open heart, the spontaneous and playful child, the artist who serves humanity.
To do this, I must get out of the way enough to allow myself to be the most appropriate channel for service at this time. My duty as creator, is to respond to the needs of the community in an act of selfless service." Aquarius Dawns available at
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