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March Tarot * more 8 Year of Balance * Infinity, Lemniscate, Dagaz

Being that the sideways eight is perhaps suggestive of infinity or the lemniscate, and in turn the rune for dagaz, is it not a good time to explore what their offerings might be in this continuing 8 year of balance ?

Infinity puts us in relationship with our unboundedness and the endless, limitless and unlimited realm of possibilities of which to make manifest our vision. It gives us, as the centre, centerpoint and thy self, a context from which to “make believe,” and to best navigate the infinite magnifications of our heretofore fractal reiterations, that make up this cosmology of singularity. There is the invitation to explore “unified field theory,” and to end our belief in separation and the finite, as we may think it our dance with the balance of “opposites,” when in truth it is more our ongrowing story that is well without bound.

The lemniscate is an energetic that can be neither created nor destroyed, and reminds us that not everything is within reach. Without end nor beginning, we are asked to ponder the unimaginable and invited to go beyond our wildest of imaginations. Alone and all one, consider thy self a point of intersection that holds but the truth, beyond duality and our oft dualistic vantage point. To see with real eyes and to be divinely inspired, is to be of an indomitable spirit and to think and feel in perpetuity. As numinous being, we work to keep the balance between material and spiritual, and in our forgiving, know that life is for giving. Not unlike the clasping of hands fast crossed over one another in ceremony, we know of this world and of our vow to life, as like the Celtic knot, without beginning nor end.

Dagaz may foretell an end to dark times, and suggest that by stepping out and into the light of day, that success is well within reach. It can be symbolic of breakthrough, radical change and a major change in direction, perhaps even something that transforms the course of your life forever. The time is now for radical trust in the divine, and to take that proverbial leap of faith. And whether that includes a change of heart, a change in attitude, or that you change your mind, undertake the work at hand joyfully. The promise of a new day and dawn may be mystical inspiration enough to sense that it is time to start a new path, and to be the bold change that you have been waiting for, and that you wish to see in this world. See things true, see things thru. Whether world healer or fast upon the satori of a spiritual awakening, the power of transformation is upon us. You are of “illimitable potential,” holding fast at the centerpoint between two extremes, in the balance between celestial illumination and daily material maintenance. The integration of female and male into complete being affords us the more passion and vitality that we so long for in our lives, and so long as we know of the unbearable lightness of being.



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

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