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High Priestess Virgo Full Moon + Aries Beloveds Breakthrough + Human Design Relationship Teleclass

PRAYER: "Affirmation of the Disciple"

I am a point of light within a greater Light.

I am a strand of loving energy within the stream of Love divine.

I am a point of sacrificial Fire, focussed within the fiery Will of God.

I am a messenger of Light.

I am a pilgrim on the way of Love....

I am one with my group of brothers and sisters,

And all that I have is theirs.

May the thoughts which my soul creates

reach and encourage them.

May the love which is in my soul pour forth to them.

My soul has sounded forth that call, and clearer day by day it sounds.

(Artemis/Diana - Goddess of Wild Animals and the Moon)

VIRGO FULL MOON Each time I ski, I think of two areas of early wounding in my life: 1. The lack of any exposure or any immersion in nature, and 2. The metal rod in my left femur, which I received after surgery at the age of 15. In windrush and snowcrush, I thrust into the blessings of communing with nature now in the Rockies through skiing - it still seems like a miracle that I can move like this.

This Thursday’s Full Moon whispers the wisdom of nature priest and high priestess Virgo. How are your daily practices of devotion? Are you a discipline of detail, gently attending and attuning to the sacred synchronicity and symbol in every moment?

The Full Moon is opposite imaginative channel Neptune and masterful guide Chiron, so expect messages from the beyond and from unlikely mentors to now surface—allow mystic intuition and stories of triumphant overcoming that meet you in the next week to inspire you to share your own journey of transforming wound into healing.

Like my ski buddy and I sharing mutual stories of near death experiences, and meeting a fellow skiier on the lift who has a snowboard, but two mini-poles—an older woman who was run over by her husband with a moving truck and years later, disabled, began to study Adaptive skiing and snowboarding, after never doing either.

With Virgo and centaur Chiron energy together in the mix, not only do our disabilities and wounds become our most essential gifts and invitations in life, but the animal domain opens its enhanced perspectives on consciousness. This last week, I removed the wings and claws of the Owl in ceremony and was blessed with animals on my doorstep each day including deers, hawks, and coyotes. What animals have been in your life lately? What medicine do they carry for you? Is there a particular animal you associate with your healing and empowerment journey? (P.S. - The woman we met skiing - her name was Diana - goddess of the Hunt and animals....) So let the animals, Tarot, the Runes, and other rituals of the archetypes bring present clarity while preparing for the path ahead. Recommended Books: Ted Andrews Animal Speak and Animal Tarot, Native American Tarot

Aries Beloveds: Breakdown or Breakthrough

You’ve seen the steam rising in the early night sky from the red planet god and his gorgeous goddess. Now, over the next two weeks, both Venus and Mars throw flames in restless and relentless Aries as they square Pluto and conjoin Uranus, while trining Jupiter in Leo. If you weren’t a firespinner before this transit, you will be after!

Exciting undulations, impulsive partnership shifts, and cathartic revelations of unconscious shadows and desires are the current spicy flavors of the god and goddess. Venus and Mars are co-captains in what may feel like Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride in March, especially with the trance-formative Eclipse cycle just around the corner - March 20th-April 4th.

Embrace any possible break-down as the catalyst for an epiphanous break-through.

And know that the benevolent presence of Jupiter’s trine to the fiery lovers can allow whatever tremors might be quaking your heart to be lessons in clarifying your personal philosophies regarding what is truly expansive and inspiring for you in partnership.

This transit also ignites our collaborative, creative fires and may be the explosive launch pad for this summer’s festival hoopla

Ask yourself and your beloved the following questions:

How do I feel most free or liberated in partnership?

Where am I trying to control in my relationships or overpower my partner?

Am I timid in asking for what I truly want from a partnership—sexually, emotionally, spiritually, and in all adventurous elements of life?

In what ways could I serve the planet better, deeper by being a bit more self-focused? What could be revealed and discovered by this self-exploration?


Because this transit and the upcoming eclipses—the Solar March 20th in Pisces and Lunar April 4th in Libra—all thrust us into the cauldron of relational evolution, I will be facilitating a special recorded teleclass on one of the most powerful tools to help us consciously connect in the sacred and slippery art of partnership—Human Design.

Conscious Relating with Human Design—Honoring Your Type and Inner Authority will show you how to honor the natural energetic flow of you and all your partners in life—your business, love, friend, and family relationships.

Each person in the class will learn about their Human Design Type and Inner Authority and how to find these in the charts of beloveds, arriving at how to make decisions from a place of authentic personal truth, and learning how to respect this process in others. Register here. Namaste, VerDarLuz CelestiOwl



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

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