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Spring Equinox Solar Eclipse!


An epic weekend awaits celebrating the Super New Moon Solar Eclipse and just one hour later the Spring Equinox. On Friday, March 20th, we welcome the Spring and the third New Moon in a row on the cusp, at the very last degree of a sign!

The Solar Eclipse is like a Super New Moon, one of the most auspicious times of the year for intention-setting and new beginnings. The seeds planted now contain a tremendous amount of potential to blossom into resplendent flourishing six months from now at the Autumn Equinox. Specifically, this New Moon eclipse triggers the very last degree of the entire zodiac, 29-30 Pisces. Meditate on its Sabian Symbol:

A majestic rock formation resembling a face is idealized by a boy who takes it as his ideal of greatness; as he grows up, he begins to look like it.

This elegant and striking symbol suggests the culminating wisdom of the final degree of the zodiac: the ultimate and daunting awareness of the Law of Attraction. Each of us filter our experiences through our perspective lenses, ever influenced by what we consistently focus on—the ideas, the emotions, the people, the visions. How spiritual can we aim our awareness, even amidst the anxious flux? Our we assured that The Plan is being orchestrated, though we may need to play notes, unfamiliar, while attuning our symphony to tones in an alien tongue?

The Spring Equinox chart foretells the 3-month season ahead. Within this chart, the final Uranus-Pluto square of seven total this decade directly impacts the nodes of the moon. Malleability and the art of shape-shifting are the most sublime of contemporary skillsets.

Bend and Flex are required now to make the revolutionary changes needed to exhaust the old suffering and aid our own and others’ evolution. Particularly, Mercury conjunct Chiron and Neptune may bring on confusion and uncertainty or open us to the dimension of faith, as we cultivate verse of compassion and poetics of empathy. For a more personal experience of the Eclipses, the Nodes, and soul-healing, join us for the April 3rd teleclass, The South and North Node: Karmic Astrology, Past Lives, and Soul Evolution.

This weekend, take the emerging Aries fire and let it catalyze experiences of Divine Union, channeled through inspired creativity, the wisdom of the imagination, and the majesty of mystic meditation.


VerDarLuz CelestiOwl



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

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