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April Tarot * what does a fool know ?? * fool child

Oblivious is no way to go thru life, and yet we do. And no differently than the fools who perhaps lived in out of the way villages and who were slow to be in the know, as they were oblivious to the Gregorian calendar change of the new year to January 1, from the then traditional start to the year of April 1, and that just after the Spring equinox. And yet they were anything but naïve. What does a fool know ??

Do they know of religion as replacement for our relationship with nature, and communion as replacement for meditation and our relationship with the divine ?? Might they wonder how is that we have substituted wine for the vine, and wafer for the root ?? Or do they know that as we deepen our relationship with creation, that we begin to know love, true love and a deep love, for her ?? That deep within her canyons and forests, and high atop her mountains and seaborne peaks, we come upon truth as univisceral, and know of it as heartfelt ?? Is not this life but a love story, and her song our lantern !!

The traditional Tarot is said to first be of public record during medieval times, with the Zero card picturing the Fool about to absentmindedly go off the edge of a cliff if it weren’t for the efforts of a “good” dog, beseeching of the fool to be of the same, and to be a good boy or girl, and to remain of this world and fast upon this once upon a time flat earth, and not to go past the point of a certain no return.

The catch is that on some level, the fool knows of extended horizons, and trusts that if and when we take that proverbial next step or leap of faith, that we will be met in turn by her. And just like the out of the way villagers of olde, the fool may well choose not to pay the price of vigilance unto today’s technology, and in turn again, be relatively oblivious to the reams of propaganda floated down mainstream, by our media magnates of choice. And while in no hurry to mock the authoritarians in power, and in agreement that it may well serve a dog to most always be on the lookout, the fool may also think it best not to be a donkey, as some of us suspect that modern day faux pas such as nine eleven, chem trails, and the many permutations of nanotechnology, have made fools of us all, hence that we still celebrate All Fools Day.

fool child * Zero * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless * Way of the Great Oracle

We know what we know, and we don’t know what we don’t know. As free spirit and independent thinker we make believe in six impossible things before breakfast. Unconventional, unpredictable and more oft than not unusual, we have learnt to expect the unexpected, and the occasional miracle or coupla few. As barefoot mystic we are unbound and uncensored, and with not a wish in the world to censure any a thought, as we look to our spirit entities and guides, animal totems and angels, and in knowing of this dreamland and time now upon us, as but “breeding ground for intuitive inspiration and ingenious innovation.” Fooled by woman but not by goddess, the nowhere man is now here. Once upon a time, a far out man in a far out (no man’s) land, he was neither here nor there. And still he stuck to his (karma) yoga, kept his feet under him and stayed within himself, as not to overextend, and in knowing that seemingly foolish to others is oft wise unto oneself. And as sometimes we have to pass backwards before we can score the goal, consider to take your “run and jump” monies, and to (re)align with your constellation of choice. Consider to transition thru your convergence zones, again of choice, and to trust in your creator. Be willing to undo things, and to recall that no risk oft equates to no reward. Consider to reLife and to perhaps bring new joy to your circle of life. Take pause to look around and to see who is there with you. Stick your neck out and look to see who has come out of “hiding.” Make the time and space to marvel at your fellowship mates, who have longed and waited for you.

Look to the innocent, as she softens to receive and is receptive to her world without and within. Nonetheless unsure and uncertain, still she knows that “youthful folly has success,” and is lest not to “trust the process” and in life, as she is most accepting of things and at peace with the outcome, upon this her ever so magical mystery tour. Gaze upon the immaterial girl, wide eyed and bushy tailed, engaged and interested with all our relations, all the peoples, and in all the colors. Animate the inanimate. As changing woman, she is a natural adaptogenic, full of prana and manna, and not unlike our most beloved flora and fauna. Recall that it is nine months ‘til year’s end. Ask of yourself of what do you wish or want to birth by year’s end ?? A fool does as a fool knows. What does your fool know ??



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

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