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April Tarot * earth day * illumination, sensor (sense her)

So you fashion yourself as an earth stewardess, do you ?? You’ve got your seven sacred apus, you grow your own food and know wherefrom to get pristine waters, for if and when need be, you harbor an unconditional and sometimes seemingly inexplicable love for your mother ocean & earth mothers, you’ve got the heart of a dove, and are in frequent harmony with the vibration of the uni verse ?? !! You’re a Jade princess and Pleiadian portal of sorts, have touched upon a crystal grid and sat in on a crystal skull meditation. You cultivate an intimate relationship with our Pachamama, and come the zero point of 2012, you decided to take the vow of honoring this sacred path that we share. You sit before the sacred fire as portal to a transcendent, resonant and multidimensional reality, and have sat with the Quero in receiving divine download, and wherefrom an ancient Incan lineage. As harbinger of this 400 years of illumination to come, bless you and your beautifulness, upon this spiral dance of ours.

Isabel Bryna

So what are we dancing for ?? Where has the time gone, and where are we going ?? Is it time to move on from Pope Gregory and Julius Caesar, and from our decidedly Roman roots ?? Could we possibly consider the timekeeping of the Druids and perhaps look to the Celtic Tree alphabet instead of all things Gregorian, and formerly Julian ?? What is of the Birch, the Rowan, Ash, Alder, Willow, Hawthorn, Oak, Holly, Hazel, Vine, Ivy, Reed and Alder ?? Is it time to return to the Lunar (moon) calendar, and her 13 moonths, cycles and/or gravitational waves of 28 days ?? Is it time we consider herstory as well as history, and move on from iGo to we go ?? Is it not well time to move past the consolidation and love of power, to the power of love and cooperation ?? Is not there to be found unity (by sitting) in circle ??

Linear time separates us from our natural rhythms and cycles, and apart from our heretofore dormant psychic, mental, emotional, physical and spiritual capacities. Need we look any further than a turtle shell, with its pattern of 13 within a sacred hoop of 28, making up an indigenous enough medicine wheel ?? The moon orbits the earth with a consistent and regular periodicity, of which the observance of puts us closer to her, and to our natural world and natural rhythm. Consider too that our celestial, biological, agricultural, mythical, chronological and natural cycles and processes are inseparable from the unfolding of creation. Know that we have our part to play in co creation. Recall again that what you give your conscious attention and focus to, is wherefrom creation unfolds. Decalcify your pineal gland and engage your intuition. Stop playing dead and pull your head out of the sand. And remember, it’s a revelation, not a revolution (unless it comes from within); nothing short of a galactic realignment with the divine.

“God us” is but for the greater good. As is the thinning of the veil and save for the enchantment of the Quetzalcoatl and the Kulkukan, as we ride the evolutionary waves of nonduality and the unified field theory, fresh from thru and beyond the 11:11 portal and gateway. We play in concert and in ensemble upon our most renewable garden of Eden, knowing diversity in nature and within humanity, as intrinsic and integral to the process, as it ever was. We are multicultural by nature, and know that love knows no borders. We are ready to move on from tyrannical to ethical, from exploited to exopolitical, and from hierarchy to transparency. We enlist our dharma rather than any dogma, believe in anastrophic (the belief that something really good is about to happen) as opposed to catastrophic, and wish to move on from materialism and unshared resources, and on to the responsibility of sharing and caretaking of all.

The solar calendar does not tell time for the all of us. If and when you may be in Japan, Vietnam, Nepal and/or Korea, you may suffer the lunar influence for the timekeeping of your cycle of days, as is also true of the Hindu and Hebrew calendars, the Islamic or Hijri calendars, and the Yin, Zia or old Chinese calendar. The sun and moon are neither nor never, for long apart, as by the Metonic cycle, 235 lunar or synodic months or lunations,

equals 19 solar years. And in the (ocean, earth, sun and moon) ceremonial calendar of the Mayans, their sacred number of 260 (years) is eerily similar to our human gestation period of just about 260 days. There is a 13th moon, and the earth is no longer flat. Happy bearthday !!

Illumination * ace of wands * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless

What’s so hard ‘bout peace, love and understanding ?? Live in the fire of life, and your life to the fullest. “You are savior and destroyer, sinner and a saint.” Purify to burn out any impurities of character. Change things up and expand upon things. Embody the truth of the divine, and share of your most radiant nature. Revere your revelations and supervisions, and share of your in sights. Follow your intuition and dreams, and as burning man and woman, hold the torch of personal revolution by burning out and breaking thru and free of entrapping old patterns, habits, forms and perceptions. “Galactivate” your seven chakras and get that kundalini rising. Feel your electricity and let the sun shine in, and your aura out. Transcend your place and go to another world. Take it slow and follow thru on things. Find your rhythm within your routine, and move something in expressing your personal power, to love. And “as the seeing one whose glance is lightning,” live with intensity and burn white hot, in love.

Sensor * Woman of Wands * Voyager Tarot * Way of the Great Oracle

Sense and detect, alert and reveal. As shamaness, let spirit show you the way. Follow your natural extrasensory perception to see thru the disguised and unseen. Exalt and move to the rhythms of nature. Dance ecstatic with your natural woman of choice. Be anywhere and unbound. Feel the body electric, and recall that in an “uninhibited, heightened and altered emotional state,” you are radiant. Reveal and transform, heal and transmute. Recall that your body is a sensorium. Be sensual. Take off your clothes, be naked and feel. Return to nature. Real eyes that “your hair and aura are antennae for picking up vibrations.” Consider that you may be clairvoyant and/or clairaudient. Counsel and offer of your observations. Read the stars, read the tarot. Soften to receive. Look into the occult, the mystical and magickal. Embrace your darkside goddess and perform ceremonial ritual. See with intensity, and burn out obstructions to your view. Watch for being catty or vindictive, and choose instead to get a good night’s sleep. As dreamweaver recall that you are a rainbow bridge between worlds.



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

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