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May Tarot * Gwalchmai * the hawk of May

Predecessor to Sir Gawain (nephew of King Arthur), and as Gwalchmei, he was sometimes referenced as an “errant warrior,” suggesting perhaps that this Spring upon us is as good as time as any to ensure that our spiritual plane is kept clean. Legend also suggests that our knight of the round table had not silver, but a golden tongue, which as Don Miguel Ruiz might allude to, proffers of us to be “impeccable with our word.” Adrift in a casket before being rescued by fishermen, we may surmise from accounts of his story that if we are the “living dead,” or “walking wounded,” that it may well be time to unsheathe our Xcalibur, or to free our “air mind,” as wild spirit hawk of the (air) fields. Fearless and known equally for his boldness as for his compassion, chivalry and courtesy, he was a defender of the poor and of women.

His story was one of respect for women (and vice versa), one who was willing and able to afford them their sovereignty, and as one who not only knew, but knew well enough that women want to have their own way, and perhaps again lending itself to that we may listen well in order that others may be seen and heard. He was tasked with vengeful sorceress, someone vindictive, cold and who couldn’t sleep. She was “solar perplexus,” without grace, and caught up in the spiderwoman web of manipulation and calculation, all the while entangling others in power struggles and control issues. And yet he ventured “into the darkness (like chocolate)” to come face 2 face with queen and/or princess of the otherworlds.

His story turned from the proverbial rags to riches, as he was apparently gifted with the ability to see things true, and in turn ‘twas said of him that he was one to see things thru. And whether that perhaps came from his mother, who was borne of faery according to lore of olde, or himself sometimes storied as herbalist and healer, it is likely ours as well, if only to behold that which is ours to hold up, especially if we choose wisdom over strength as he well did, and if we tend to the virtues of the (white) hawk.

Ancient lore tells us that he grew from runt of the litter to top dog, and once upon a time but a tagalong, became but an integral knight of the round table. He was patriotic, one who would step forth when few if any others were willing. Legend also held that he rode an unearthly horse and that he was at his best at high noon, and yet he near lost his best friend in Lancelot, and was slain by a traitorous brother.

The hawk (of May) tells us it may well be time to pay attention. Expand your perspective and see the bigger picture. Stop doubting your ideas and real eyes that you have not lost sight of what is important. Recall that even if others are unwilling to see things for what they are, they are likely shunning you only in fear of the truth, and of which oft times comes with consequences. As (ocean &) earth guardian recall that wisdom is gentle in its application, and as it may not be what others want to hear. Stop avoiding and procrastinating. Make evident what the rest of us have missed. Share of the state of the reunion and level the playing field. As soul sisters, soul retrievalists, and modern day Valkyries, share a little soma soma, and return the soul to your peoples. We know there is message to be received, that we must ready to undergo a necessary period of renewal, and that there is indeed heaven here on earth.

What have we overlooked, and/or overdone ?? We know it’s time to take a lesson, and to take less on. How do we suspend distraction in this heretofore (modern) age (of weapons) of mass distractions ?? How do we regain our focus ?? We look to you as messenger and spirit guide of sorts, for your “visionary powers,” and for someone like you to take the initiative. We await your decisiveness. As “hawkeye,” we know you’ve got this, and can do it. Recall that precision follows patience, and that it oft best to steer clear ‘til you are more, if not most clear on things, and after the path has made itself also well and clear.

Voyager Tarot by James Wanless * Way of the Great Oracle

See where others cannot or refuse to see. Put an end to your busy bee domesticity, and get out of the house. Maneuver swiftly and fly the coop. Prepare for the future by taking care of the present. Follow your own timing and timetable. Be daring and courageous as you navigate the past, present and future. And however "hawkward" it might, feel with intensity, pronounce your feelings, and be careful to watch for being emotionally insensitive. Recall again that it takes a strong woman to help us stand up to our fate. Adjust your halo and spread your wings, and in knowing that as one of the “right” sisters, that it is well time for you to take flight.



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

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