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May Tarot * Decoration Day * Feeler, Hierophant

Before routinely if not resoundingly dismissing this Memorial Day, can we ask of what it is that we do know about this look back, to honor those who have fallen before us ?? Did you know it was originally known as Decoration Day, in part because May 30 was a date where flowers would be in bloom nationwide ?? Are you aware of the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans Day, or what were formerly known as Decoration Day and Armistice Day, the latter of which commemorates the end of fighting in WW1, at the “eleventh hour,” and on 11:11 1918 ?? And whereas Vets Day, named now as such to recognize (living) veterans of all wars, has been called to celebrate the cause of world peace (how are we doin’ with that/coming along with things there ??), and for those who have come back home; Memorial Day is for the dead, and for those who have died in battle/combat. And while it may be nice to look back at agreements reached and truces achieved, and all good and dutiful and in the interest of national securities, what is of interest at least by my take, is that which has not been temporarily suspended, which is the resulting post traumatic stress syndrome and subsequent disorder.

Our vets have brought overdue attention to a society wide epidemic, that is hardly endemic to vets. Whether a byproduct of domestic violence, childhood abuse, rape or a war torn psyche, violence and terror have left but a traumatic toll on the whole of humanity. I have even seen cattle completely transfixed and crazed by a lone rock in their path, that for all intensive purposes resembles a bear, and they can’t shake the feeling/fear to save their life. When we have fallen in harm’s way and had a perfectly normal/natural response to an abnormal event, we become susceptible to seemingly ordinary events that trigger inordinary reactions. When something isn’t right, we are again susceptible to anxiety attacks, replete with flashbacks, and wherein we re-experience the intensity of the original event.

Some of us are familiar with the (brilliant) work of Peter Levine, the therapeutic benefits of working with ayahuasca and other plant medicines, and psychosomatic adjustment via yoga and other bodyworks, in dealing with our PTSD and childhood trauma, the latter of which none of us has escaped unscathed. And whether it is in the witnessing of domestic violence, which fuels feelings of inadequacy and/or emasculation in young men, or sexual abuse which oft leaves the adult survivor overweight if not obese, we all deal with feelings of helplessness, social avoidance, being disconnected from one another, not to mention nature, and in being left psychically numb. Many of us have left the amber alert in the rear view mirror, and are seemingly on constant red or high alert, being hyper vigilant, excessively irritable, and/or suffering from insomnia. Instead of easily amused, we are easily startled and/or taken back, and when we can’t get a handle on things we get ahold of the bottle and turn to booze or whatever better yet we can find. The faery steed is not to be believed as our night mares morph into daymares, and feeling edgy or eggy is small potatoes compared to our overwhelming thoughts and mind fullness.

Feeler * child of cups * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless

What if the state of the union was our state of emotional sensitivity ?? Is it not that we have then and now, well fallen in love with each other’s vulnerability ?? Why is it that we are so unwilling to be emotionally vulnerable, to come out from behind those repressed feelings of ours, and share of our heretofore unexpressed and most soulful of joys and wonders ?? !! Is it too much to ask to move from censor to sensor, from premeditated thought and/or judgment to a spontaneous combustion of emotions and feelings ?? !! How ‘bout a natural parade of our most heartfelt expressions and feelings ?? An expression session is purifying. Like water for chocolate, let it flow. Let down your guard, remove the mask, uncork your bottled up feelings and emotions, and make the decision to put a little Dixie in your cup. Shoot from the hip and have the courage to let it rip, now and then. Reveal hidden secrets and feelings. Sing song the truth and nothing but, speak from the heart and say and play your part. Share with passion and gusto, and whether or not of an ill will or supercharged. Be animated and make your emotions self evident. Express yo’self and flush out any and all unwanted emos. Feel the ecstatic renewal of your heart by showing of your most high and sublime emotions. Real eyes that your heart container of water or emotional abundance can be either for pouring out feelings or for containing them.

Hierophant * five * Voyager Tarot * Way of the Great Oracle

Are we not stone cold (real) American men, with but emotions of stone ?? Are we not tradition bound and addicted to this meaningless ritual we call war ?? What is it good for ?? Why do we continue to fit ourselves with these dressings of spiritual materialism, and fashion and drape our spirituality over ourselves, but to feed the ego ?? Can I get an eye, to transmute your ocean & earth (insignificant) faults into the philosopher’s stone, a solid

understanding that rifts and conflicts are rather openings for new life to take seed ?? Can we perhaps choose instead to move from dogma to dharma, from fixed beliefs to make believe, and from a once upon a time archaic mentality to but an archetypal story of the days of our lives ?? If you are dazed and lethargic by nature, turn your drone off. Work at clearing away the stagnant, dense and the oppressive, and in order to gain clarity and to know of liberation. Recall that out of the compost, the mud and refuse of your life, that you grow, flower and disseminate seeds of wisdom. Be humble, simple and modest, and trust that you are in good hands as a child of the universe.

Recall that there is no turning back on the truth. Play the hand that you have been dealt. Like wrinkled skin, real eyes that the scorched earth of human experience reveals of our age old wisdom, and of which is gentle in its application. Use this earthly life as but a stepping stone to enter unto the temple, and to light the fire within. Listen to your own inner priestess (pope or popess). Find your place of refuge, your temple, your meditation spot. Be in the present, and real eyes there is no clinging to the past, nor craving for the future. Use this worldly life as a forum for personal growth, and be of service. With compassion as your compass, be a support for others during the trials and tribulations of their life journey. Real eyes that you are a sacred offering, and that it all falls together. Consider it best to move from homo phobic to homo illuminous. Practice sacred rituals and share of your gifts and wonder, for this world of ours. Real eyes that you are new moon rising and consider to join up with your fellow rainbow peoples. Walk the spiritual path with but your (bare)feet on the ground. Step up and speak out, to voice your ever so heartfelt concerns (and gratitude). Throw away the lock and key, as your heart is broken open for the (greater) good, the kind and the beautiful, of which you have to share.



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

© 2017 by nalu verde * created with

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