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June Tarot * Sex Changes * Inventor, Trust

He was the consummate patriot, until summarily discharged and then cruelly degraded in solitary confinement while held in military prison, and as anything but innocent until proven guilty. His transwoman response was to take on the persona of Chelsea Manning in lieu of the once upon a time Bradley. Former Olympian and decathlete Bruce Jenner has recently graced the cover of Vanity Fair as the, you can call me Caitlyn now, while former Aussie pro surfer went from Peter Drouyn to diva, and as told by Jamie Brisick in Becoming Westerly. All share the question of how to navigate a fall from grace.

It’s hard to have peace of mind when you’re thinkin’ you’re somebody else. “Sweet Loretta Martin thought she was a woman, but she was another man,” or as some of us thought, “JoJo was a man who thought he was a (woman).” If you’re a girl trapped in a man’s body, where brain and sex don’t match up, the split between body and mind can give way to a self denial that becomes overwhelming. If you identify with the opposite sex and are uncomfortable in your birth body, and are not content with your sexual identity, your brain has the tendency to develop disparately from the body on the whole, which is incongruent, not to mention distressing and debilitating, if not fatal. It’s a matter of feeling complete, about just wanting to be a whole peoples, and to match one’s body to one’s mind, as “living in a body that doesn’t match your gender is cruel and unusual punishment.” The wish and/or desire is for one’s looks to mirror one’s feelings about oneself, as the thought is that my gender doesn’t well define me.

And there’s a lot to consider. Not only does the dating game change, there is no detachable penis and no getting your JoJo back. The transman female 2 male (FtMs) “surgical rectification” involves either phalloplasty or metoidioplasty, whereas the successful post op MtFs may well render the said transsexual woman in question virtually indistinguishable from a woman born with a female body. Body alteration addresses our “congenital neurological intersex condition,” with hormone therapy and surgery, with some post op transsexuals needing pumps and/or inflatable bladders for nonfunctioning genitalia. Pre op transsexuals wishing to make structural changes to their traditionally, sexually dimorphic figurations, have a lot on their plate, as it is the ultimate “pro choice” transition.

Moving from cross dressing to cross living is a cautionary tale, as it is permanently life changing, and leaves about a fifth of the peoples to experience sex change regret. There is the question as to whether crossing over masks an underlying emotional imbalance, and whether the changes are more cosmetic than intrinsic. There is the suspicion that little changes in our world within, and an additional question as to whether our quality of life improves, as many of us are still saddled with distressors, and given that transsexualism after “gender reassignment surgery,” may alleviate any said gender dysphoria, but that suicidal tendencies may still linger and manage to find (unsafe) harbor. The truth has consequences, as peoples going into surgery unprepared oft come out unhappy once again. There is an uncertainty regarding peoples remaining traumatized, whether they were first misdiagnosed or just confused, or if there was perhaps impropriety involved in the process. There is the question as to whether sex changes are clinically effective, especially if and when there was the case of sexual abuse in childhood, and as psychological conditions may endure. Some of us may ask or question as to if there is equality between the sexes, why not “trust the process” and let things distill out, rather than raise a flag to half mast ??

Inventor * Man of Crystals * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless

Synthesize old concepts into new formulation. Vent your mind, and without judgment nor censorship. Be bold in your thinking, open in your curiosity, and be watchful for opportunity to fulfill everchanging needs. Check things out to get the needed information. See new points of view and do the research. Chart the new frontiers of thought in different disciplines. Work in the invisible and abstract world of ideas. Be timeless and sensitive as to which way the wind is blowing. Lose yourself in thought and make ideas into matter. Real eyes that your mind is your greatest natural resource. Twist things together and put your ideas into practical application. Make your theories practical, and test them out to make sure they work, and to measure their worth. Put things into practice and into physical reality. And as we recall that the inventor is revolutionary and a technician, formulate your ideas into workable solutions.

Reinvent yourself. Recall that life is for living, and that the price of technology is vigilance. Unplug, sign out and disconnect from your circuitry of choice. Tune into your truest of crystalline natures. Vibe up, bless up, and come on down to ground zero, and wherefrom you can go in any direction of your desire or choosing. Be down 2 earth and localize. Know thyself as a free spirit and independent thinker. Think your way out of the box and into some heartfelt space, and consider to revisit your all truest of natures.

Trust * Six of Wands * Voyager Tarot * Way of the Great Oracle

How is it that we are (so) grasping, insecure, possessive, oppressive and of the oppressed ?? What happened to the belief in oneself and the universe, and our ability to make believe ?? Know that you have been given the abilities and opportunities to real eyes your most heartfelt goals and dreams. Have faith in yourself and the courage to be yourself. Trust your instincts and in your intuition. Listen to your pain body. Communify and real eyes yet again that we are all in an invisible interrelationship, and interdependent, not to mention the least of which we are intersexual. Be open, accepting, tolerant and ecumenical. See the goodness and angel within others. Let go and be held. Trust your love, your light, your beauty, and in your inner richness. Trust in the unbearable lightness of being. Trust the process.

Find places of trust. Sit with the ocean & earth, and your community, and to know of more common grounds. Be a faithful companion. Have a faithful friend. Be open and vulnerable, and trust that you can express yourself, and that you are but a (rainbow) bridge for others. Do not be afraid to cross over and meet the unknown. Trust in your curiosity and real eyes again that it takes all kinds to build a world. Trust in diversity and acknowledge that everyone has their own unique destiny to fulfill, and as this is exactly what creates our web of oneness. Live and let live. Do not interfere, as noninterference is the first law of spirituality. Keep your spiritual plane clean and get your shaktipat on. Get your fire relit and reLife your kundalini rising. Extend your hand, and share of your heart. Come down out of the clouds, and seek out that guiding light to come from down off the mountain of on high. Entertain that foggiest of notions and bridge the (gender) gap. Distill out your inersexuality and sex it up. Touch someone, with your heart. Look around. You have company. Take that proverbial leap of faith and put things in motion. Get it in gear and push ‘em forward. Put yourself out there. Light a candle. Say a prayer.


"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

© 2017 by nalu verde * created with

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