September Tarot * I do * priestess & fear
I do not regret the things I’ve done, but those I did not do. Rory Cochrane One day you will wake up and there will not be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted. Do it now. Paul Coelho Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail a...way from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. Mark Twain Fencesitter or perhaps ready for a babysitter ?? Does freedom begin or end at the altar ?? Am I holding onto half baked ideas, and perhaps again, half steppin’ thru my half life ?? Am I afraid of falling into a mantrap, and of being overwhelmed by honey dews ?? Or am I ready to move from scared to sacred, to touch upon the proverbial divine union, to become more engaged with life ?? Do I or don’t I ?? “I’d do anything for love, but I won’t do that,” cuz it’s “damned if I do, and damned if I don’t.” Indecision breeds misfortune. Indecision breeds “missed fortunes.” Do you not wish to know what forever feels like ?? Do I not make you feel horny ?? The fractals upon which I choose to focus my energy and attention upon is wherefrom the next chapters of my life unfold. “I do and I understand.” I move from peace, love and understanding, to peace, love and joy. “If you can dream it, you can do it.” Dream your life, live your dream. Is it not time to get a move on with things, to go all in ?? Doors close and doors open. “A weak man can’t love a strong woman, as he won’t know what to do with her.” What’s so hard ‘bout peace, love and being best friends ?? It takes a strong woman to stand up to her fate. The average age of a first marriage for a woman is now 27 years old, 29 for men. I recall in the eighties, a coworker being fraught with fear for being that age, as stats back then weren’t kind as to her odds for getting married. Today about half of American women are married, whereas 65 percent were in the 50s. In the 20s and 50s, the marriage rate was three times what it is today, and has been on the decline since the 60s and 70s. Separation and divorce is fifteen times more likely now than in the twenties, with the divorce rate as high as forty to fifty percent. Women with a college degree are twice as likely to be married as opposed to women without a high school diploma. More than twice as many Asian women are married as compared to black women. Cohabitating has increased twelvefold from 1960 to 2010. Priestess * two * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless * Way of the Great Oracle

Live in harmony with your inherent wisdom. Intuit the truth, of which comes from the depths of the universal collective unconscious and from your own personal genetic inheritance. Probe what lies below the surface reality, as your dreams and meditations bring to surface the hidden, the subconscious, the past and the future. Be still. See to the depths and get to the bottom of things. Recall that the priestess in you conserves your understanding of life’s meaning and its laws, as like the temple of Delphi, you receive the immutable truths of life. Like the deep seeking (sonar) dolphin, listen and sound out the truth, and of which is echoed back to you thru your own inner temple. Stay in balance and have clarity. Recall too that you are perfect echo or mirror. Real eyes that thru you others can see of their truest of natures. See clearly and counsel wisely, and in recalling again that you are clear of vision because of your honesty. Do not compromise your vision. Consider that you have the material and emotional self sufficiency of the camel. Journey to the other side. Go between worlds. Soften and warm to receive. Use the psychospiritual arts to know thyself. Take time out for calm and quiet, at (hot) springs and retreats. Take fluids for cleansing. Meditate. Go into the darkness, like chocolate. Tune into vibrations, within your inner sanctum and sanctuary. Intuit your way and be into it. Be articulate. Fear * seven of cups * Voyager Tarot

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face…. You must do the thing you think you cannot do. Eleanor Roosevelt Stretch the envelope, and yourself, for therein lies your opportunity for growth, and of which is indicative of your commitment to personal development. Get into it. Watch for being defensive, protective and shut down. Watch also for when you are enclosed (in), hoarding and holding onto. When afraid, take pause and sit with things for a bit. Be a tarotist, not a terrorist. Cancel your subscription to fearfulness, to being a worry warthog, and any makings of an anxiety attack. Ask rather why have you perhaps closed up shop, or taken the ball and gone home ?? Ask again if perhaps you can rather move from paranoia to pronoia, and to move from (homo) phobic to homo illuminous ?? Go into the unknown, and into the darkness like chocolate. Go deep. Leave yourself vulnerable. Know well of your undefended love. Touch upon your most high and the unbearable lightness of being. Come out of hiding and real eyes that your insecurity leads to aggression. Let go of fear and let the sunshine in. Purge your story and return from purgatory. Purify and uncover your buried treasure. I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they’ve ever dreamed of so they can see that it’s not the answer. Jim Carey