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BLOOD MOON: Your Vulnerability Key - Equinox Eclipsing

Reeling and whirling from Retrograde Eclipse-Window Equinox weekend, spun and spiraled in the torrential tango of Love-as-Art and the craze of creative collaborative soul contracts - we are here, we are now, swimming in the tides of a Blood Moon. Let yourself be overwhelmed: Your vulnerability is the key to unlock the magic of this Mystery.

And: “Your Love Will Set You Free”

Astronomy: Sunday's Lunar Eclipse appears drenched in amber-red, thus the name Blood Moon. It will be visible entirely in Eastern U.S. and partially in Central and Western U.S. Time in MTN zone is Sept. 27th at 6:47 pm until 11:23 pm, with maximum at 8:47pm

The Blood Moon - this South Node Lunar Eclipse—is about culmination and completion; the potency of soul is unleashed and dramatic emotions released. We filter all our experiences up to this point and realize the lack and how we might experience more fulfillment and fruition.

Because Lunar Eclipses are like Full Moons on steroids, they highlight polarity within and without us, but the mirror of relationship is polished especially bright when highlighted by the Aries-Libra axis.

Sunday the 27th, the Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aries manifests the need for autonomy, the respect for one’s personal independence and freedom. Yet Mercury Retrograde in Libra exactly opposite this Moon crowns us all in indecision, delay, and reversible thinking. If we do not decide, are we still declaring our truth?

How are the relationships in my life from this summer reflecting to me my essential needs in partnership? How do I feel most supported in partnership? Am I able to ask for that support? Would I rather run far away than bask in the brilliant light of my own shadow’s reflection?

The first of this Aries-Libra series of eclipses occurred in October, 2013. The next in this set of eclipses in Aries-Libra was a Lunar Eclipse in April, 2014, at 25 Libra, directly opposite to the one we experienced in October 2013. In October 2014, a Lunar Eclipse also occurred in Aries, later in the sign. The final eclipse in the Aries-Libra set will occur in Libra in March 2016, and will be opposite this one at 3 Libra.

For the last 19 months, the cosmos has forced us to weave the paradoxical dynamic of the Aries-Libra nodes—the more freedom my partners allow me, the more I can develop both a healthy relationship with myself and with The Others, with the Inner and Outer Beloved.

And yet, circumstances have forced us to ask: Have I been Aries - ‘doing it all alone,” or have I been too focused and dependent on supporting the other—Libra?

Another important revelation during this portal may be that What I feel around you is not comparable to anyone us. Feel into the Venus and Mars in Leo summer themes of recognition and personal acknowledgement with this epiphany.

Holding on leads to expectation, but allowance of What Is facilitates the Tao of evolution unfolding according to a higher orchestrated plan. This is our delicate Libra dance of wu-wei - the path of least resistance, the doing which is non-doing.

With this Lunar Eclipse it is vital to declare our emotional ravelations in a more contained and sacred space of deep listening, without spouting fire in all directions. All partnerships have the potential of being challenged, severed, or even a new contact may arise flavored with desperate intensity, especially if the eclipses land in your 7th or 1st house, on your Venus, or on the ruler of your 7th house. Look to 5 Aries and Libra in your chart to understand where this profound transformation will occur. Also, those born with the Nodes in Libra and Aries such as those born in 1959, 1969, 1978, 1987 will feel this eclipse dynamically in their lives.

One of the most helpful astrological tools for these current cycles is the biwheel in chart comparison. The biwheel shows us exactly which areas of our lives our partners are catalyzing for us, and in what specific ways. If we couple biwheels or “transposition” with composite charts, the specific parameters of our soul contracts are revealed, bringing much more grace, understanding, and wisdom to our soul-work together. Learn more about these tools and book a consult here.

Remember that patience is the number one challenge for an Aries moon. Lacking tact but conquering indecisions, Aries is all about personal truth and authentic living, as opposed to the strategic diplomacy of Libra.

And yet as hard as it may be, Libran patience is necessary now, and with the potency of the Lunar Eclipse coupled with Mercury Retrograde, we are being tested to allow the powerful feelings to arise, while not rushing in to rash action. Remembering that Saturn (Chronos) is exalted in Libra, only Time will Tell, and only Compassion will Heal.

“Your Love Will Set You Free”

(To hear this amazing summer anthem and theme of this eclipse check my new DJ set from Tribal Visions fest here, or visit youtube, and get down to it.) *VerDarLuz CelestiOwl*



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

© 2017 by nalu verde * created with

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