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2016 * Year of the Hermit/Wise Woman Krone * Voyager Tarot

Life is a love story, and her song our lantern.

“Stillness is what creates love.” Do Hyun Cho

“It’s not that I don’t like people, it’s just that I feel better when they’re not around.” Mickey Rourke as Henry in the Charles Bukowski movie Barfly

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and wrightdoing there is a field. I’ll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about language, ideas…. even the phrase each other doesn’t make any sense.” Rumi

Apparently ‘twas not ‘til the new moon that I was to write of this new year upon us and 2016. Adding up the preceding four digits resolves to nine, and hence the year of the hermit and wise woman crone.

The fool has now gone from hobo to hermit, having made the longest of journeys, back down the up staircase. There is a renewed knowingness about him, albeit not so very social, he finds peace in solitude, and joy in beatitude. Choosing inaction, he lets things ruminate, and takes stock and inventory of things and as he sees fit. As quiet woman, she hides under her cowled hoodie, learning to own her power and beauty by way of her amazing grace. Her still waters run deep and as gnarled tree of life, she is alone and all one. Knowing that truth is univisceral, she has developed an innate kinesthetic sense for things and feels deeply, as hers is a love for life. As hippie, we are soul sisters and brothers aboard this inveritable kin ship, making peace upon this here heaven on earth, and in not so much as answering the call of the wild, as by living unto the wilderness within. Ecocentric to a fault and holding her song in our hearts, we see heaven everywhere, and are at home anywhere. We know life as forgiving, and that life is well for giving. As peacemaker and peace pilgrim, we are doing god’s work, spending time with her in ecstatic union, and deep within our dance church of choosing, and that as we do our best to move from peace, love and understanding, to peace, love and joy. As wise man and rainbow woman, we walk in beauty and with compassion as our compass, and unto the maturity of knowing thyself. We are homo illuminous and sit silent in her presence, and in knowing that as we spend time with her, she helps to illuminate the hidden corners of our world. As yogini and soul man, we are but extrasensory and extra ordinary. She softens to receive, and while he walks softly and carries a big staff (or antennae, which keeps him well grounded via intermediaries, entities and the like). We share of our knowing hearts and hands, and hold each moment as sacred and this life as sacrament, and unto the cosmos.

We listen to see with real eyes. Do not discount what you see and hear. Inquire of her. Go into the darkness like chocolate. Know your lantern as the philosopher’s stone and intuit your way. Be into it. Trust in this process of soul retrieval and do not hesitate to ask for guidance, as this is sometimes but a cautionary tale, and as the grass is not always greener on the other side. Sit and meditate on things and know that the way is within. Recall too that the grass is greener where you water it. Partner if you may with the likes of a Sophia, Quan Yin and/or Shekinah, via shamanic journey and aboard this eldership. Or perhaps you prefer the inipi, a kiva or to sit in crop circles. Just know that it’s not a witch hunt, but that you do need to seek her out. And it’s not that she will necessarily have kind words for you, but she may well help you to demystify things as they stand, and in no small part because she well knows that when you’re old, you’re happy where you’re at. And remember, it’s not retirement, it’s refirement.

Shut out the weapons of mass distraction to complete your spiritual pilgrimage. Know that the marriage of heaven and earth comes when working in harmony with natural law and order. Resolve that if you’re going to do it, do it right. Realign with the divine. Consider to slow your roll, to plan, to sow, nurture and to harvest, and to live in union with the divine, and via a renewed spiritual self discipline. Use your own way of healing to touch others. Reveal and heal. Be thoughtful. Focus on the task and work at hand. Say no to passing diversions, and decline the invitation. Tend to your heart of gold and to your field of dreams. Share of your inner riches. Check against any unshared resources, and be precise as opposed to a perfectionist. Do not be pinholed as a recluse. Don’t walk but run to her. Unearth your buried treasure, and recall that luck is when preparation meets opportunity. Eat well and treat her well. Drink your noni juice, kombucha and kefirs. Juice with ginger, rest and get your sleep. Be down 2 earth. Live in harmony with nature and the natural world. Live simply and get on the land. Get physical and express yourself. Look into and upon the wisdoms of antiquity, and inscribe your insights. Let us know.



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

© 2017 by nalu verde * created with

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