Feb. Star Cycles: Deep Diving with Mars in Scorpio and Jupiter in Virgo

"Prayer is a ladder reaching up to Heaven. 2At the top there is a transformation much like your own, for prayer is part of you. 3The things of earth are left behind, all unremembered. 4There is no asking, for there is no lack. 5Identity in Christ is fully recognized as set forever, beyond all change and incorruptible. 6The light no longer flickers, and will never go out. 7Now, without needs of any kind, and clad forever in the pure sinlessness that is the gift of God to you, His Child, prayer can again become what it was meant to be. 8For now it rises as a song of thanks to your Creator, sung without words, or thoughts, or vain desires, unneedfulnow of anything at all. " The Song of Prayer - A Course in Miracles
New Moon - 19 Aquarius - 2/8/16
Full Moon - Virgo - 3 degree - 2/22/16
Down to Business: Mercury Direct and Venus in Capricorn
Fresh off a dramatically potent Full Moon weekend in Leo, Monday January 25th, Mercury finally goes direct in Capricorn where he will remain until moving into Aquarius Feb. 13.
Mercury in Capricorn invites us to get super organized, to take the long-view and continue to plan out our year ahead. After weeks of changing plans and uncertainty, we may now feel more clear as to a realistic view to both a productive path and a practical plan to the upcoming months. With Venus also in Capricorn, we will take a more serious approach to our relationships, even focusing on building more business alliances, and looking to constructive commitment and shared goals with our friends and beloveds.
Flaming Hearts: Mars in Scorpio conjunct Juno and Antares
Sacred Masculine and center of the passionate will, Mars, will journey through Scorpio during January and February and then again during June and July due to his spring Retrograde. Get ready for a supercharged boost of fire, passion, and possible defensiveness in your Scorpio planets or Scorpio house in your chart.
In traditional astrology, Mars rules Scorpio in his feminine aspect. Instead of the external warrior, Mars in Scorpio fuels the blistering passions of the deep dive, whether its in the realms of relationships and sex, shamanic practice, or the furious research into the esoteric and occult.
INTENSE - This week and last week’s transit of Mars could not be more true to this word with Mars conjunct both Juno - goddess of committed partnerships and soul-contract—and the flaming star heart of the scorpion, Antares. As the “heart” of the Scorpion, Antares is also the gate to the underworld, since Scorpio is in the southernmost region of the Sun’s path in the Northern Hemisphere. As one of the four royal stars, bleeding into the night sky with dark amber pulse, Antares has always represented the underworld's potential for ravenous belligerence, a stubborn feistiness that could lead to fatal destructions if the flame is not tended. With Juno here, during the miscommunications of recent Mercury Retrograde, we may have been suffering the third degree burns of headstrong reactivity in all our relationships.
Yet, with Mars, Juno, and Antares all conjunct in Scorpio, we can gaze directly into the mirror of our own shadow and excavate into the core cause for our behavior. If we accomplish the alchemical act of transmutation, all our relationships can enter a realm of profound merger and mutual empowerment. While communities learn to pool their collective resources into a magical reality, beloveds learn that the depth of sexuality is also a willing death, an even greater desire to shed outworn skins. And shared, willing hearts are gifted the capacity to access new dimensions of intimacy—tantric practices of circular, shared, or alternate breathwork, cultivating lovemaking on every chakric level, discovering pleasure in unknown playgrounds, and becoming a more whole and creative being through conscious sexuality.
All of this is supported by Jupiter just turning retrograde on the North Node in Virgo—a transit which asks us all to create both sacred space and sacred time in our daily lives. With more discipline and devotion, and the activation of our High Priest and Priestess, the mundane tasks become rituals of slow perfecting. We define what is essential, we refine what is important, and we teach each other how to live more healthy lives in body, mind, spirit, and heart.
Wishing you all a celestially blessed winter.
*VerDarLuz* divinetimingcoaching.com