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March Tarot * what now Bernie peoples * Delusion * Voyager Tarot

If you’ve ever been to a rainbow gathering, you might have picked up on the notion that they hold to a precept of no leaders, and that no one is in charge. They also decide annually as to where the next location is, and hold a vision council near the end of the gathering to confirm next year’s location. The catch is that it has virtually been decided upon by word of mouth consensus, pretty much before anyone ever sits down at the vision council. What have we decided in relationship to this election at present ??

Delusion * Ten of Crystals * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless * Way of the Great Oracle

See things as they really are, and real eyes that it will all fall together. Recall too that from ground zero you can go in any direction of your choosing. Stay down 2 earth and within yourself, and recall again that it’s more revelation than a revolution. Follow your inner prompts and upon those heartfelt moments of inspiration. Listen to your heartsong and recall that life is a love story and her song our lantern. See things true and see things thru. Real eyes that your mind boggling ideas will be considered delusions by many, and that your imagination may give you mirages, false suns, or diamonds in the sky, but you won’t know until you pursue your dream vision of choice. Dream your life, live your dream.

Share of your beauty and inner riches. Tell us of your ongrowing story, weave your dream, and/or go on a vision quest. Have a seat and take inventory or stock of things. Recall that the body holds our truth and that you are free to change your mind and in turn alter your state of consciousness. Think optimally and do not deny the urge to purge and purify unto your truest of natures. Upon returning to emotional equilibrium, drop down into your base chakra and ask of yourself, what is my new American dream ??

Do not discount what you see and hear and recall that fortunes are built upon dreams. Whether it’s a rainbow gathering, singing alive or some other transformational happening, real eyes that as visionary musician or artist, ecstatic dancer, yogi or yogini, massage practitioner or reiki master, or other healing artist, not to mention burner or rainbow, that you are shapeshifter, and no small part of our diamond life as we traverse these sands of time. Take pause to give thanks and real eyes that at this time as the tide may ebb that you have chance to take a closer look at what now has been left exposed, of you.

we get what we want out of life, just not always how and when we may have in mind....



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

© 2017 by nalu verde * created with

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