The Holy Relationship: LOVER’s LUNAR ECLIPSE
“The holy relationship, a major step toward the perception of the real world, is learned. It is the old, unholy relationship, transformed and seen anew….[The holy relationship is not romantic, possessive, exclusive, time-based, judgmental, controlling, fearful, angry, guilty, jealous, comparative…it is Shared Purpose…]
The holy relationship is a phenomenal teaching accomplishment…Be comforted in this; the only difficult phase is the beginning” - A Course in Miracles

Fresh off the motivating momentum of the Spring Equinox, Wednesday’s Lunar Eclipse in Libra invites us to dance in the mirror of relations with the following questions:
What conditions do I put on love?
Where am I not passionately speaking my truth and what holds me back from directly stating my desires?
Can I enthusiastically dedicate my relationship to realizing God consciousness in each blessed and blissful moment together?
The word confront means to be with/face, or to face something uncomfortable directly. Lunar Eclipses can always be the most confrontational and emotionally intense times of the year due to the Super Full Moon extremes of polarity. During this Eclipse, relational issues will be delivered into the full light of conscious awareness and require intentional healing.
When we feel into Libra, images of Juno/Hera, the wife of Jupiter/Zeus pop into our consciousness - her questions of fairness in relationship. We tune into the ways not only we can best support others in relationship, but also, how we feel most supported in relationship? This is true in the worlds of intimate love, friendship, and business. With messenger god Mercury in Aries opposite this Moon, we can choose the reactive and combative verbal path (see the current political landscape) or we can assert our real desires, and dare ourselves into radical truth and sexual practices that bust open our rigid boundaries and burst out into new frontiers of ecstacy.
The “conditionality” present in the weighty scales of this kind of Libran love is transcended with this eclipse due to Venus’ exalted position in Pisces. We have the potential to expand our affections beyond needs for egoic gratification, but instead allow the Holy Spirit to use our relationship to realize our divine imagination for the highest purpose. What kind of music, dance, and other divinely inspired creativity can channel through our holy connection?
In my relationship coaching practice, I am consistently struck by the power of the Emotional Solar Plexus in Human Design, especially during a Lunar Eclipse. For the %50 of us with this center defined, we can feel the biological need to ride emotional waves in our lives. At the low point of the wave, the depression or confusion can actually fuel sublime and profound art. Though we have to be careful of identifying ourselves as a victim and seeking rescue from something outside of us, one of the shadows of the current Venus in Pisces position. Especially as she approaches wounded healer Chiron in the next week, we must be careful to not make any rash decisions in our relations but to patiently dedicate ourselves to working with teachers, coaches, and philosophies, supported by Venus’s inspiring square to Jupiter and challenge from Saturn around making defined, mature, and realistic goals together.
Those of us with the undefined Solar Plexus in Human Design must be careful to not take on the emotional highs and lows of our partners but instead reflect accurately, clearly, and compassionately the emotional state of our beloved, reminding our partners the transformative power of the depths.
For consultations in Conscious Relating with Human Design, Astrology, and Numerology, contact me here.