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April Tarot * earth day * the Devil

Ascending via thresholds of altered consciousness and deriving from guilt ridden monosexual cults, the Devil is not what you think. Originally the Guardian and paired with the Empress, they were mother and father of the divine child, unfettered and free, the original wild women and men of our water planet.

And is that so wrong ?? As the Wildman he is Cernunnos or the Horned One, hunter to the lady of flowers and herdsman to the flower maiden. As ocean & earthkeeper and guardian, he is agent for change, as he increases and benefits and is not the temptress. Rather as Guardian he is cautionary tale regarding overextending and overreaching, one who can see corruption within us, and in such ways can be a releaser of such temptation and in fact be a purifier of corruption. Our subsequent process of purification helps us to begin to cut away at illusion and enables us to better see of things with real eyes. With antlers for antennae and staff or spear as aegis for true love and will, he travels well the wilderness within. He is associated with the oak tree and its age old wisdom, and with stag as his animal totem.

Have you been seen and heard for who you truly are, as of late ?? Or is your male not being held in and of your choosing nor being received by your female container of choice ?? Is there perhaps an imbalance about ?? Is there black soil for your white seed ?? Do you know what you smell like ?? Or do you seek new shoes, a new and bigger car, a bigger house, and bigger hair ?? Or can you seek out Pan to learn to let it grow and to know better of sexual equality ?? As wolf to deer, we provide for one another, and as we take on our crow medicine like his winter garbid. Consider to take on your ever so super natural powers with a not so uncommon, amazing grace. Live and let free as it was at birth, to be.

Devil’s Play * fifteen * Voyager Tarot * the Great Oracle * happy bearthday James

Bacchanalian festivals depicted by satyrs and fauns were later turned by the Christians into the “evil” work of the Devil, which spelled backwards is actually “lived.” In Voyager Tarot, Devil’s Play instead means to live fully and joyously. Our Dionysian exaltation of life, pre Christian concept of the devil is Pan, the Capricorn half man, half goat that led all with his pan pipes to dance and sing and rejoice for the harvest and a most fruitful life. Devil’s Play asks of us to be friendly and sociable, to arouse and to influence and in the proper dose. To be visible and provocative, if not evocative, and to carry yourself away with music and (good) wine into nonordinary right brain dreamtime realities.

The I Ching hexagram for the Devil’s Play is #16, Yu/enthusiasm. And ‘twas thus that the ancient kings made music and offered it with a most divine splendor, and in letting us feel of our (oats), power, vitality and wholeness, and in altering our state of consciousness. Chance to see the other side, the side not wedded to convention and traditional beliefs. Allow yourself to bring out your true original genius. Present unconventional ideas and a different, perhaps even irreverent point of view. Consider to move from paranoia to “pronoia,” and to freely express of your most sacred sexuality and sensuality. Skip and go naked, and with a friend at that. Move out from under the suppression of social censure and into your new digs in the way of an uncensored sensorium. Love first and in knowing you don’t need to will your way thru things. Take risks and go past and/or over the mark, and recall still to best stay within yourself. Be earthy. Play, lie, sit and dance upon this heaven on earth. Celebrate and frolic in nature. Exalt in unrestricted and free spaces. Get fresh air and a fresh perspective. Find yourself atop mountains and sacred apus of your choosing. Enjoy being on the edge and at the vanguard. Share in the responsibility for taking care of our mother ocean and earth mothers, for your life and for this earth of ours.



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

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