May Day Tarot * Beltaine * empress

Symbolic of sexual accord and partner to Cernunnos, the Horned One, the empress is queen for a day. On this day of Beltaine our middle earth river sister walks in beauty and knows the rhythm of nature as everything. As Lady of Flowers and nurturing flower maiden she is heaven on earth, and as Gwen she makes evident that the true queen wears no crown. With her we move from mantra to verse, from hymns to songs, movements to dances and from cosmic myth to the letter of natural law and order.
Empress * three * Voyager Tarot * Way of the Great Oracle * by James Wanless
Nurse and nurture your life creations into full bloom and full flower, and as you recall that no fruit is too small, no being too weak, no idea too foolish, and no emotion too immature. With compassion as your compass focus on your crown chakra and to be accepting of things and at peace with the outcome. Be gentle and amorous and nonjudgmental. As mother goddess recall to be open, receptive and loving. As Venus consider to tap into your sensuality, and as Gaea to get out of the house and recall that you are but of this ocean & earth. As dirty girl do not hesitate to get down 2 earth and in the flower bed of your choosing. And recall too to look to your mother ocean & earth mothers to be in community. Save time out to sit under the waterfall and to take in the benevolence of negative ions, and to make time out for the sacred apus of your choosing, i.e. Shasta, Denali, Rainier, the SF Peaks, Machu Picchu and Haleakala.