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the healed mind does not plan

Saturday’s Full Moon is at the first degree of Sagittarius, asking each of us if we are fulfilled and illuminated in the realms of personal philosophy, theology, higher education, foreign cultures, and expansive joy. FAITH is a big key for this Full Moon. As one of my friends and teachers of the profound guidebook A Course in Miracles shared, The Course says, “A Healed Mind does not plan, a heal...ed mind carries out the plans it receives through listening to wisdom that is greater than its own.” Can we be patient enough to receive the inspired guidance from our Sagittarian intuition. Whether we call it our higher selves, or that inner voice, or the Holy Spirit, we so often ignore this part of ourselves because we’ve made up our plans on our own, thinking that somehow with our very limited perspectives we know what’s best for us. The result is usually disappointment. This Full Moon asks us to question why we make up a plan, and then, ask for guidance, instead of quieting down and listening to a plan that will not only serve us as individuals, but the entire collective with more benefit, ease, and creative fulfillment. No one seems to frustrate our plans as much as Mercury, going retrograde. But finally, Mercury goes direct on Sunday the 22nd. If you’ve felt the wires of communication crossed, travel plans changing left and right, or technology and cars suddenly needing repair, you’ve been blessed/cursed by the trickster messenger god, Mercury. In my own life, I’ve had all my travel plans to Europe shift almost daily, in addition to in just two days, losing a pair of headphones and my phone charger, while breaking an extension cord!! Not too bad, but irritating as Mercury Retrogrades go. Celebrate the end of this cycle Sunday. :) Mars is still Retrograde until the last days of June, so this may still make us question our personal desires, unconscious motivations, and a deeper probing into the purpose behind our habitual actions. Direction may continue to shift, so be flexible, especially in the realms of sexuality, resource sharing, and deeper healing work. Happy Full Moon Weekend! May the stars light your way, home.



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

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